
USA is economic terrorism, oppression, threats and sanctions put together

 I believe it is more than oppression, threats, sanctions and bullying. It is USA economic terrorism, carried out through the use of oppression, threats and sanctions put together. If the world still thinks the USA's system is the best for the world, they are mistaken. The system was set up mainly to control the world through the US$ hegemony, backed up by the USA's massive spending on its military in order carry this out.

Thirty years ago, the USA faced no peer competition in terms of military power and economic might. With the rise of China, everything changes. The spending by China on military expansion relative to its size had been demonized often and hyped up to raise suspicion because of the challenge it posed to the USA.

Russia may not be an economic power but is still a strong military competitor and together with China, the USA is going all out to put down the threat posed by both countries. The USA's preoccupation to remain the sole superpower is an agenda that is cast in stone, even roping in its Anglo-Saxon allies to help in its preservation.

The formation of BRICS was the straw that broke the camel's back, aside from the rise of China's manufacturing juggernaut. The USA lost the competition on the economic front even with all the trade wars and sanctions ongoing. The USA is no longer the supreme military superpower that it once was despite its spending on the military that is more than the total combined spending of the next ten countries. 


1 comment:

  1. The biggest blunder by the USA must be pushing Russia into the arms of China. Russia was in G8 and expelled to create G7, which was the straw that broke the bear's back. Now Russia is in BRICS and helping the group increase membership to overtake the G7 in terms of GDP. The G7 no longer is a grouping of the rich nations, with countries in the EU being crippled by the loss of cheap Russian energy. Germany suffered the brunt of the miscalculation, but to Olaf Scholz it probably is worth the price to pay. Japan, a member of the G7 is also paying the price with its economy stagnating and even worsening over the decades.

    One pertinent comment by India's Foreign Minister, Subrahmanyam Jaishankar hits a raw nerve of the G7. He said that the G7 closed its doors to us, so we formed our own grouping, meaning BRICS. India had been invited to sit in at the G7 meeting to observe, like a dog observing what is going on when its masters talk to each other. This is more a humiliation than an ego boosting move. India was so eager to join the G7 to create another G8.

    China and Russia were once ideological foes, but over the decades been demonized by the USA pertaining to issues over NATO expansion towards the Russian border, inviting Ukraine to join NATO so that the USA can place nukes to threaten Russia, sabotaging Russian expansion of the energy supply to the EU through the Nord Stream pipelines which the USA and NATO subsequently destroyed. Forget about who destroyed the pipelines, as the real culprit behind the scenes is none other than the USA, that had been eyeing the energy market in the EU.

    Russia and China coming together is a match made in heaven, thanks to the USA. God must be watching.

    Of course, the West is trying to split the alliance between Russia and China, claiming the alliance will not last. Whether it last or not is not that important as nothing is permanent. The most important objective is coming together to get rid of the US$ hegemony by forming BRICS, which will free the world from the tyranny of sanctions, blackmailing and threats by the USA using the US$ hegemony. It also will remove the unfair privilege of the USA being able to print toilet papers at will to flood the world and export its inflation globally.
