
Ukraine War - Setting up the Ukraine Slavs to kill Russian Slavs and vice versa

 The West is ensuring Kiev’s demise on purpose https://www.rt.com/news/603986-ukraine-russia-missiles-nato/

Excellent evaluation of the most recent strategy of the west in Ukraine. I must add that it's not a poison pill given to Ukraine but a suicide pill!!

And the moron Zelensky is going to swallow it with glee.

But Russia should take advantage of this situation and quickly deploy nuclear weapons to Venezuela, Cuba, North Korea, Iran and friendly EU countries. This will greatly consolidate its military position for the future and ensure no more threats and starting wars from the west. And just for show, donate some nuclear warheads to China too. 

Everyone knows Russia has the most nuclear weapons on earth and that's its trump card against the west, hell bent on destroying it for decades. So it can afford to spare some to toughen other friendly countries. Nobody knows how big China's nuclear arsenal is. By donating some to China will further discourage the sickest country on earth to attack it. 

And China, being the factory of the world, can offer to manufacture Russia's nuclear weapons as a sign of gratitude. Imagine China now manufacturing nuclear weapons on a large scale and possibly for friendly countries as well. If this doesn't make China the strongest country on earth, I don't know what will.๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜


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