
Two colossal mistakes are leading to the collapse of the US$ hegemony

 Two colossal mistakes are leading to the collapse of the US$ hegemony - the sanctioning and the tariffs.

The sanctions have failed, and the seizure of Russian assets was the straw that broke the camel's back. What the USA and the West did to Russia is causing countries to ask the question - Who is next? Which is why they are in favor of getting away from the US$ hegemony and supporting de-dollarization. The USA is known to be totally untrustworthy, turning their face the very moment they leave the negotiating room. The USA thinks that exceptionalism is their prerogative to invoke against all others. Agreements and treaties can just be brushed aside at its whims and fancies. How can countries expect fairness in dealing with the USA?

Tariffs are the other mistake of the USA and the West. China does not depend only on the USA and EU for its trade, large it may be. Russia is a new market for China to explore and the Global South, many rich in resources and food production, are opening up to trade outside the US$. These are countries whose raw materials and agricultural products are able to afford China the alternatives to depend on, and to retaliate by refusing supplies from the West in favor of the Global South. In doing so, the use of the US$ is definitely not going to figure in the transactions, thereby accelerating de-dollarization. There are a thousand and one ways to skin a cat.

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