
Turkey is a pariah in NATO, not allowed to join EU, now wants to join BRICS

 Turkey is a member of NATO and already part of the war mongering alliance. Unless Turkey leaves NATO, allowing Turkey to join BRICS is going to be a very serious mistake.

Russia ought to include this ruling that those who join in any alliance with the USA involved in their midst, must not be allowed to join BRICS, just like telling would be interested countries that those who joined in sanctioning, either against Russia or other BRICS members are not allowed to join BRICS. Clear and simple.

Turkey had already been used by the USA, under the umbrella of NATO in 1962, to host nukes, all with the intention of targeting Russia. This was the same objective of surrounding Russia with nukes as what they are attempting to do against China. Had Russia been on their side today, Mongolia would be under their control and may be used to harbor nukes to confront China. This is no idle conjecture or conspiracy theory.

In the South, the USA is eyeing Vietnam to be lured into their corner to go against China, with a new leader taking over. Myanmar is also in their sight. The Myanmar Military's taking over the rule of Myanmar from all their expensive effort in cultivating and installing Aung Saan Suu Kyi was all in vain and an expensive loss for them. Likewise expensive losses suffered with the death of Alexei Navalny, another Russian asset that they were cultivating and propping up for decades to go against Putin. If Vietnam or Myanmar falls to the dark side, that will be a real National Security issue for China to contend with.


PS. China would only use nuclear weapons on countries housing nuclear weapons. The Pinoys inviting to be nuked with American nuclear weapons in the islands.


  1. BRICS may be admitting a Trojan Turkey into its fold, after having a Trojan Horse already playing havoc.

    A nuclear device may be placed inside a Christmas Turkey for celebrating but which will sabotage BRICS, LOL.

    Turkey is in NATO but not in EU tells us something very important and sinister. Turks are never accepted as Whites and can never co-exist as Whites with the Anglo-Saxon White clique. Turkey can only become cannon fodder for the Whites but cannot hope to share in the benefits of EU when the EU was strutting its economic feathers for the world to see. That is why nukes are placed inside Turkey and not in any other European state of NATO.

  2. The USA now realize that de-dollarization is picking up traction and now openly threatening countries in BRICS attempting de-dollarize. It will be an exercise in futility.

    BRICS countries can always trade among themselves using their own currency or the Yuan, like Russia in energy and two-way trade. What can the USA do? BRICS had already set up energy and grain exchanges and conducting trade in energy and agricultural products outside the US$. What can the USA do? These are all done outside the ability of the USA to monitor in value, to tell who did the trade and no Western Banks involved. The effect is just too enormous to ignore, especially in the energy and agricultural sectors.

  3. How to punish if the USA does not know who is trading with who without going through Western banks in their settlement? Could even be using barter trade eg energy for infrastructure as between China and Iran.
