
To be a leader in USA, the only qualifications is 'stupidity'

 What kind of an expert businessman is Donald Trump, still believing that other countries are paying for his tariffs? He is supposed to be well versed in business and appears credible running his game show 'The Apprentice' many years ago. Yet he is as dumb as a lamp post when it comes to how the economy works.

Perhaps we could be forgiven for his incompetence. It is really alarming that he faced bankruptcy six times. How could such a person be credible with his utterances and be believed. It is preposterous to say the least.

He may be super rich, but his wealth was basically inherited, and many still believe that he also cheated on tax payments. He even claimed his smartness in avoiding tax on many counts.

Suffice to say, many are of the opinion that to be a leader in USA, the only qualifications is 'stupidity'. But, of course, he is not really stupid but crooked. 



  1. This can only be due to inbreeding.

  2. Six times bankrupt must be a record. Exceptional!

  3. Is Trump in the Guiness Book of Records for a USA President with the greatest number of bankruptcies?

  4. To be a leader in Sinkieland, the only qualifications is 'ability to tickle your boss ball'
