
Putin showed middle finger to terrorist organisation ICC and clown Zelensky

 Putin just visited Mongolia and was not arrested by ICC. Zelensky has gone crazy like a rabid dog. Who does he think he is trying to dictate to Mongolia? Ukraine itself is not a member of the ICC. Neither is Zelensky's handlers, the USA. What power does he possess to order Mongolia to arrest Putin? Mongolia just ignored him and treated him like a mad dog.

Suffice to say, Mongolia would not even dare to antagonize Putin as it depends on Russia for energy. What can Zelensky offer to Mongolia? How to run a circus of clowns?

Mongolia would not want to antagonize China as well, having to depend on Chinese investments. But it is trying to play one side against the other by hedging bets on both sides. China still has to be extra careful with double headed snakes playing countries on both sides of the divide, just like India. 



  1. When leaders of the West or the Western MSM talk about the Ukraine War, they never ever mention the expansion of NATO towards the Russian border, which Russia is totally against for years. The War in Ukraine is the result of this expansion threat which, with Ukraine in NATO, is a National Security Issue for Russia. If Ukraine joins NATO, it gives the USA the excuse to site nuclear missiles closer to Moscow, which is the 'Red Line' that Putin set before the start of the War. Nothing ever happens in a vacuum. It is the culmination of cause and effect that resulted in Russia's entry into Eastern Ukraine and is not without reason as propagandized by the West.

    In all interviews with those experts or leaders they picked to talk to on MSM, like on Channel News America, the narrative put forward is that the Ukraine War starting point was always pinpointed towards Russia's entry into Eastern Ukraine to protect its Russian speaking people. Everything that happened before that had conveniently been brushed aside as irrelevant issues that never happened.

    This scenario had already been played out conclusively in 1962, when the USA using NATO, deployed nuclear missiles in Italy and Turkey, two of its member states. Their target was of course the Soviet Union. In retaliation, the Soviet Union placed nukes in Cuba, which resulted in the standoff between John F. Kennedy and Nikita Kruschev in the Missiles of October crisis.

    So, what guarantee can Putin get that Ukraine would not similarly be used by the USA in NATO to site nuclear missiles closer to Moscow, that will place it in a precarious position in times of conflict. Putin already knows well enough that the USA is totally untrustworthy party to hedge any bets. In fact, getting Ukraine into NATO harbors the main objective of placing nuclear missiles capable of striking Moscow easily in times of war.

    1. Kishore said in a forum in HK that NATO Leaders are damn stupid especially that Stolen Bird.

      NATO aka No Action Talk Only and also North Atlantic Treaty Organisation have nothing to do with Asia and Asia Pacific.

      So why want to even expand to Asia.

      Itchy Backsides ya?

  2. Putin mocks and calls ICC a half-baked outfit.

  3. Common sense will tell us why Mongolia would not want to create problems when it is so dependent on Russian energy. Moreover, the visit was at the invitation of the Mongolia President Ukhnaa Khurelsukh, so it will be a no brainer for Mongolia to act in any other way.

    The EU and Zelensky can bark and behave like rabid dogs over their failure to arrest Putin, but do not expect Mongolia to behave like the leaders of the EU countries with no backbones to protect their own interest and be dictated to by the USA.

  4. NATO is a terrorist organisation ie North Atlantic Terrorist Organisation to bring wars to not white countries.

  5. Putin's visit to Mongolia is causing much anxiety for the West. They realized the ICC is now a useless tool in the eyes of the world for taking care of enemies of the West. Even small countries are refusing to take the ICC seriously. So far several countries have refused to comply with the ICC, including South Africa and now Mongolia.

    Zelensky just reshuffled his cabinet and his foreign minister resigned (over failure to convince Mongolia to arrest Putin), together with several others. I think it is more like rats deserting a sinking ship.
