
Presidential Election - MSM's saviour for the USA is a shrieking hyena

 The MSM in the USA had been hyping up Kamala Harris standing before the coming November face-off against Trump, otherwise Trump will win. With all the resources at their disposal, the hyping is so intense it boggles the mind. From someone that was and is a total liability to Joe Biden, even in his dementia inflicted stage, achieving nothing of substance, she is now touted to be the savior of the USA. What a sudden change?

We know that good leaders rise from the bottom of the ladder, not instantly created by the MSM like cooking instant noodles. While leaders in most other countries rise through the ranks, USA leaders are plucked from the air and push on to a pedestal for the voters to worship. Such a sorry sight is only possible when many are commenting that USA leaders qualified using their 'stupidity' qualifications to run the country.

How many years did Xi Jinping serve the country at the bottom before rising to his position today? How many hurdles did Anwar Ibrahim had to cross to overcome the odds to be the Prime Minister of Malaysia today? Ten years ago, we would have written him off for good, and for him to overturn the odds speaks volumes of his ability. The only misgiving that I have is having UMNO as coalitions partner in the Government. It will be difficult for him to fight corruption within the ranks of the coalition. His hands are tied and that gives opposition the ammunition to criticize his anti-corruption drive. UMNO is hedging its bets of rising from the ashes on Anwar Ibrahim's coattail. 



  1. She is a comedian pitted against a gangster. The choice is for the USA voters to decide. Either become a circus or a gangsterdom. Either way, the collapse is imminent.

  2. The white horse in sinkiesland also rise to become it pm/sm, because he is the best as reported by msm with the approval of the long gone mm..
