
Nobody cares a hoot about American election

 The USA and the Anglo-Saxon Whites really think too highly of themselves, accusing every Tom, Dick and Harry country that cannot tolerate them of trying to interfere in their elections. Nobody cares a hoot about them really.

Ask the hawkers, taxi drivers, bus drivers, security personnel, students, office workers, factory workers, airport workers, trolley pushers, table cleaners, gardeners, road sweepers, rubbish collectors, pioneers, merdekas and most do not even know who is standing for election in the USA. They do not care half a hoot what happens in the USA. Who wins or loses is none of their concern. They still have to work, go to school or hope to pick up the periodical chicken wings to survive or carry on with their lives.

Only the Western educated bananas may have an interest in the election, but interfering is out of the question. What for? Even their own local election is beyond them to interfere with. 



  1. Every four years Hollywood creates a political blockbuster for the world to enjoy. Now, that has nothing to do about caring. It is all about being entertained. Forgive me for saying that.

    And the blockbusters are getting more and more unbelievable and atrocious with assassinations, this and that gate thrown in, the same with normal sequels from Hollywood.

  2. What kind of an expert businessman is Donald Trump, still believing that other countries are paying for his tariffs? He is supposed to be well versed in business and appears credible running his game show 'The Apprentice' many years ago. Yet he is as dumb as a lamp post when it comes to how the economy works.

    Perhaps we could be forgiven for his incompetence. It is really alarming that he faced bankruptcy six times. How could such a person be credible with his utterances and be believed. It is preposterous to say the least.

    He may be super rich, but his wealth was basically inherited, and many still believe that he also cheated on tax payments. He even claimed his smartness in avoiding tax on many counts.

    Suffice to say, many are of the opinion that to be a leader in USA, the only qualifications is 'stupidity'. But, of course, he is not really stupid but crooked.

  3. The local media keeps talking abt US elections non stop. From the tone, it looks like it is supporting Kamala.
    We all know it won't make one heck of difference who gets elected and as George Galloway says, both are 2 cheeks of the same backside.
    Either will still be supporting Israel's genocide, lying on China and making their stupid allies to fight its wars.etc etc...
