
No one in his right mind would believe in the Empire of Lies

 Xi must be silly to believe that the USA will stop its anti-China stance with the defeat of the Russians. There is no other country in this world more untrustworthy than the USA. Not in agreements, not in writing and certainly not in words. As we now know, the moment the USA turns its back after all the talk and agreements, they will change their stance and resort to their old dirty habit.

We do not call USA the United Snakes of America for nothing. Even if any agreement is reached with the sitting President, the next one can always disavow agreements made by its predecessor. This had all been clearly displayed. When the Soviet Union broke up, it was agreed with Mikhail Gorbachev that NATO would not expand an inch Eastward towards the Russian border. NATO soon disregarded the non-expansion promise and did just that by claiming that there was no written agreement to do so. Can countries ever trust the USA or the Anglo-Saxon Whites?

The moment the war between Russia and Ukraine ends, the USA will pivot towards confrontation with China. This is a certainty, and China must not fall for any monkey tricks by the USA. Trying to split the co-operation between China and Russia in today's context, is an exercise in futility by the USA. It will not happen.


1 comment:

  1. The Western anti-China camp will try to capitalize on any minor differences between Russia and China as leading to a split and leading to a collapse of co-operation between the two countries. The Western MSM and pro-Western shrills are very imaginative and clever in making mountains out of molehills trying to drive a wedge between Russia and China. They can fool their own Anglo-Saxon White's checkers or draught players, but not chess players like Putin and Xi.

    As an example, Russia and China had initial agreements to build another gas pipeline from Russia to China, going through Mongolia - The Power of Siberia 2. China now realized that Mongolia is hedging its bets by being extra friendly with the USA and the West recently, and China had to redraw its original plans to run the gas pipeline through Mongolia, which can be used by the USA and the West to sabotage China's gas supply. What the USA and the West did with the Nord Stream 2 pipeline sabotage taught China a very strategic and useful lesson.

    Russia and China are now negotiating on a new plan to run the Power of Siberia 2 across Kazakhstan instead - a shorter, safer and more secure investment. There are more important considerations that China has recalculated, one of which being that China will have to pay a hefty fee to Mongolia for the gas pipeline running through its territory, which is going to escalate when Mongolia is pressured by its handlers from the West. This is in addition to the fear that gas cut-off could result in the event of conflict with the USA, which Mongolia will have to be pressured to take sides.

    So, renegotiating a new plan is interpreted as a split by the simple-minded Simons. Laughable but true.
