
Exceptionalism is a self-inflicted suicide by the USA

 De-dollarization would never have been gaining traction so fast over the last two years without a reason. The action by the USA actually accelerated the process with the seizure of the Russian assets contributing to fast tracking of the inevitable together with the sanctions against Russia that borders on insanity.

The weaponization of the US$ was instrumental in setting off the fuse and that has awakened the world to the danger of one country holding all the cards and having all the privilege to print unlimited toilet papers and dictating all the rules of the game. It is a self-inflicted suicide by the USA, no one else is to blame.

The whole world now wants to get rid of a unipolar world for a multi-polar world instead. And rightly no country should be allowed to print money without consequences, while any other country would not get away with it. A truly global currency must be found that is fair to every country of the world.

Exceptionalism is not going to save the USA this time around. Not even with all the Anglo-Saxon Whites ganging up to support the US$ hegemony. The Europeans will soon find out that they have been sacrificed to no avail.

God is great in pushing Russia to the side of BRICS. A blessing actually for BRICS that Russia is on the side of China and not the USA. Otherwise, that would be disastrous for China alone against the Anglo-Saxon White clique. Who is to blame? Own self blaming own self is just apt.


1 comment:

  1. The USA is now, under the surface, terrified of de-dollarization. That is why Trump is admitting that the inevitable is going to happen, whether he likes it or not by threatening countries joining in the de-dollarization wagon.

    Actually, the USA had been playing down de-dollarization threat, snug in the believe that it would not succeed with the US$ and SWIFT entrenched in the global financial system, but the reality is not in its favor. That is why it is nervous and paranoid. Biden would not want and avoided talking about the effect of de-dollarization, preferring to kick the can further down the road for the next leader to handle. Trump will have to handle it if he wins in November, which is why he is raising the issue and using threats to cow countries joining the de-dollarization move.

    And to put it bluntly, the USA is quietly watching to see if the BRICS global currency and settlement system is going to work. The reality is that Russia, China and the rest of BRICS are going all out to make it work, and this is sending the USA into a furious attempt to counter it by using threats. It will not work.
