
Derivative bubble will burst, must burst. It is a matter of when

 Nobody talks about the quadrillions of derivatives hanging in the books of big banks. No one, not the MSM, not the big banks, not the Fed, not Trump, Biden or Harris. The problem does not exist at all. It is all misinformation created by doomsayers. You see, kicking the can further down the road solves the problem. Or not talking about it solves the problem as well. Or denying there is a problem solves the problem.

There is actually a big balloon fueling all the perception of wealth. The banks alone created so much fictional wealth with their fractional lending system. A hundred dollars deposited by someone can generate almost a thousand dollars to lend to customers. And where does all this go to? Banks lend all this out to fund buyers of properties, cars and stock market speculators, presenting a very prosperous world, a big balloon that keeps growing beyond imagination and unstoppable but hiding behind it is the mountains of debts hidden among the signs of prosperity in the books of the banks.

Thinking of it, just unbelievable. 


PS. The problem of the stock market was also kick down further with no one wanting to know why for 20 years. Now they pretend not to know and asking the public why? What a joke!


  1. That derivative bubble, if it bursts is going to be a bloodbath of unprecedented proportions.

    The banks will collapse and just imagine the consequences. Pension funds will go underwater, not that they are not today, and again just imagine the consequences this will have on retirees. It will be crash and burn in the stock market, the property market and in the toilet when toilet papers are set on fire.

    Never mind, some say this will not be allowed to happen. After all, isn't the USA protected by their 'exceptionalism'?

  2. Must burst is a certainty. How much longer it is going to take to burst is the question. Remember that when balloons are blown up without stopping, it is only going to be a bigger bang down the road. I am not talking about the big bang theory. This is no theory.
