
De dollarisation - Threat and bullying by the Americans are useless

 The USA now realize that de-dollarization is picking up traction and now openly threatening countries in BRICS attempting de-dollarize. It will be an exercise in futility.

BRICS countries can always trade among themselves using their own currency or the Yuan, like Russia in energy and two-way trade. What can the USA do? BRICS had already set up energy and grain exchanges and conducting trade in energy and agricultural products outside the US$. What can the USA do? These are all done outside the ability of the USA to monitor in value, to tell who did the trade and no Western Banks involved. The effect is just too enormous to ignore, especially in the energy and agricultural sectors.



  1. As expected, Malaysia is coming under intense scrutiny by the USA and the West looking for excuses to target the country, using the UN to gain justifiable credibility. Just like using the UN rubber stamp to justify the war in Iraq.

    UNICEF is now targeting child abuses in Malaysia. Why is it a problem and just been discovered and reported today and not decades earlier? Malaysia, under Anwar Ibrahim, has been more anti-USA and Israel since the war in the Middle East, showing its stand together with the Palestinians as a Muslim state.

    Moreover, Malaysia joining BRICS is a big concern for the USA and the West and they are not taking it lying down. Trump already bluntly declared his threats against those joining the de-dollarization and Malaysia may be the first to face this new USA threat of punishment. This is going to be the start of more demonization of Malaysia in the days ahead.

    Of course, any destabilization inside a country always needs the support and participation of traitors inside the country in order to result in success. And there are many in Malaysia willing to sell out the country to the dark side.

  2. Compare the seriousness of this fabricated accusation against the more than 17,000 dead Palestinian children in Gaza and the hundreds of thousands that are made homeless and awaiting death, deprived of water, food, medicine, education etc etc in the open air prison now totally bombed to pieces by the Israelis and the Americans?
    The UN must be disbanded as it is now a tool of the Americans to be used to attack other countries by the Americans.

    1. The abuse of these children in the Islamic religious schools is not fabricated. For decades, there has been many cases of children being sexually abused by the carers in these schools. But the Muslim parents adopted a blind eye as they think their kids will go to heaven after attending these schools. These schools are funded to the tune of many millions and I'm sure they charge exorbitant fees too. It all boils down to money, with the added bonus of pedophilia, their favourite past time. Having and supporting these schools is a sure political vote getter. The politicians know about this so you never see children of politicians enrolling their kids there.

  3. And UNICEF just does not want to talk about the child abuses in Gaza. Even its own UN run schools have been targeted and what are they doing about it? Israel is just having the impression that it is above the jurisdiction of the UN and can do what it wants.
