
Core Management employment must be citizens

TOKYO : Japan's biggest steelmaker Nippon Steel, which is seeking to acquire U.S. Steel, said on Wednesday if its purchase goes ahead core senior management as well as a majority of board members at the U.S. company would be U.S. citizens.

U.S. Steel's board would also include three independent directors who are U.S. citizens, the Japanese company said in a statement.  CNA


In its attempt to acquire the US Steel, Japan is promising the Americans that the core management would be American citizens. This is the right thing for any nation that cares for its citizens, to ensure that its citizens would be the first to be employed, especially in core management.

In India, the same principle applies especially to foreign investors. The Indian govt also ensure that the core management of companies and banks in India, owned by foreigners, must be Indians. In many cases, the staff of the whole company is Indian, which means the company or bank is de facto an Indian company.

Nippon Steel would have no problem ensuring that the core management would be Americans. If they want to hire more Japanese to be in core management, just apply for American citizenship for the Japanese and the American public would be none the wiser. Would the Americans allow this sly practice to take place against the interest of their citizens, giving instant citizenship to foreigners to pass them off as citizens to lie to the Americans that the core management are Americans?

Would the Americans allow this clever ploy to deceive their citizens that good jobs are given to their citizens. Would the Americans buy that? Are the Americans that stupid?


  1. But the India nationals can conveniently adopt Singapore citizenship to hijack the core management positions in Singapore companies . . . there are so many eg ..

  2. Aiya Spore no need they have Sin citizenships.

    They are foreign talents to save Sinkies from extinction.

    Must be grateful to them.

    So many alreday ursurped the Top Management and that's why Ah Wong had in place the Unemployment Benefits Scheme in place for estimated 60K akan.datang.

    No eyes see.
