
Cocky Israel said would not stop until Hezbollahs are defeated...pathetic Arab and Muslim world still hapless to do anything about it

 The cocky Israelis also said the same about killing all the Hamas in Gaza or else the genocide would not stop. What gives the Israelis the confidence and arrogance to say such things, that victory is assured, that they would surely win, the enemies would definitely be defeated?

Two simple truism. One, Israel is only the tip of an iceberg. Israelis are the point men, fighting the war on the surface. Beneath the iceberg are the Americans, Brit and Nato forces, all ganged up against the Hamas and the Hezbollahs and all the Arab and Muslim states. There is no chance for the Hamas and Hezbollahs to win in such a one sided conflict against the hordes of white savages behind the Israelis.

Two, the Hamas and Hezbollahs can at best depend on Iran to smuggle some weapons to them. The rest of the Arab and Muslim world would not dare to support them like Iran did. At best they may also smuggle a bit of small arms to them. Most of the Arab and Muslim states in the Middle East are coerced by the Americans not to support the Hamas and the Hezbollahs for obvious reasons. The American soldiers are inside their countries and can bring down the regime any time. These Arab and Muslim states are not free independent states but worse than cronies of the evil American Empire. They are militarily oppressed and suppressed and cannot act freely on their own...like the colonial states of the past. Their independence are superficial, at the mercy of the Americans.

Another point, if the Arab and Muslim states are afraid or unable to help and fight on the side of the Hamas and Hezbollahs, how could they expect China, Russia or even Iran to stand up to fight for them?

The only truly independent Arab/Muslim state is Yemen, the Houthis. They fought bravely and with free will, to support their Palestinian brothers and sisters. While the Arab and Muslim states continue to stay on the side line, Lebanon is going to be another Gaza soon. No single Arab and Muslim entity can withstand the combined military might of the white savages.

This is the pathetic fate of the Arab and Muslim world. Which Arab and Muslim leaders visiting Washington? Which Arab and Muslim state wanting to buy weapons from the white countries?

More pathetic is that the white men can openly support each other to attack and destroy countries from the Global South, one at a time and no country from the Global South dares to stand on the side of the state under attack. Not even dare to stand on the side of Russia, and allowed Russia to be attacked and to defend all by itself in the Ukraine War. Lebanon and Iran would be attacked and destroyed before Russia's turn and then China's turn.

In the past, when China and Russia were weak and separated, there was good reason to be afraid, to be whacked, bombed, and unable to fight back, had to suffer the bullying and humiliation. Today, Russia and China are together and much stronger than before. And there are other reasonably strong states like Iran, Pakistan and North Korea to fight together. It is about time to stand together to take on the white savages and not to be bullied and destroyed one by one. With Russia and China taking the lead, the whole Global South should be confident to join forces to fight for their real freedom from the evil American Empire and the West. 

Caveat, Russia and China must give the Global South the sense of confidence that they are real.


  1. Good morning All

    Our principled One in the U.N. called for the stoppage of The Dumb Five what's VETO powers that overides the Majorty Votes of the Rest of the 188 nations which 150 plus might voted for cessation to the end or ceasefires to the wars or conflicts.

    Also now that lame Dick oops apology Duck Sexretary also woke up angrily to condemn the mess.

    Of he is just dramas and wayang?

    The Nations of China, Russia, Iran and North Korea should intervene straightaway into the senseless Genoide in the M.E.

    What's the Peace Keeping or Sleeping UN Forces are for?

    Their Main Role is to be the Arbitrator and the Force to stop the conflicts and wars.

    Now M.I.A ah?

    Then have China, Russia and the North Koreans in to be the Peace Keeping NOT Sleeping Force then.

    Big powerful Nations like China and Russia do not raise their fingers to help just talks and threats are useless.

    Actions spoke louder than words.

    Now the UAss and their hordes of Barbarians and Savages are running amok and you all don't step in to help and fight, they be brazen and thought that they Ruled the Universe.

    So China don't just think of making monies lah, do your part and teach these Scoundrols a bitter pay back time.

    These Whites are just posturing gang bullies and are cowards lah!

    Show your mettles China and Russia and Kim.


    1. All the while they the White Savages been provoking China to fire thr first shot.

      So they could on the pretext of Chinas aggressions.

      China just hold back their provokes and now they purposely send the most bitter enemies the Japs to provoke China by saling thru the Taiwan Straits.

      They are trying to purposely had an Emergency Act or Law so that they could held back their erections, oops elections.

      China shud now declared that the Taiwan Straits is NOT and International Shipping Route and is China's Terroritory.

      Any damn Ships just have permissions to sail thru.

      See the Houthis just sank a few of the Scoundrols ships and they scurried away with tails behind their backs.

      So China shud have blockade the Taiwan Straits with navies and have Taiwan strangled and keep out the Barbarians.

    2. Best time to whack that Porn Japanese Chick to frighten the Euro Monkeys, and the UAss Donkeys and Elelphants.

  2. When you have military superiority, you can do whatever you want. You can ignore the kpkb from others countries. As you know, no leaders would want to risk their own people life to fight you. (otherwise they may be out of power themselves). In reality, nothing will happen to the big bully until they get old & become old bully.

  3. The blinking Jews were at one time the most hated people in all European countries and in Russia and the United States. They believed and identified that the Jews were the embodiment of all things evil. They hated the Jews for by deception and subterfuge either directly or indirectly control all the governments in Europe, Russia and America. When Adolf Hitler wanted to get rid of the Jews he was in syn with the intent of all the European countries, Russia and the United States. It was not only Germany but also all the European countries and the Anglo-Saxon Americans wish to get rid of the despicable Jews from their countries. However, the cunning and very deceptive Jews were able to manipulate not only to entrench themselves firmly in the business world but also in the local politics of all the countries of their domicile.In the 19th century many prime ministers of England and other European countries were Zionist Jews. Even the head of the Russian government was a Jew by the name of Lenin. In the US, the Jews now control the US government, the Deep State and Pentagon.

    The satanic Jews in collusion with the Anglo-Saxon UK and US have been the cause of all turmoils, choas, destabilities and wars in this world. It is regrettable that Hitler did not exterminate all the Jews. Zionist claimed that six million Jews were killed by Hitler was all false and exaggerated. They deceptively counted the hundreds of thousands of other races killed like Poles, Bulgarians, Romanians, Tartars and Russians as Jews just to maximize their claim of compensation and reparations from Germany.

    Hope the final solution of the Jews will be settled by the muslims with the support of Russia and Iran.


  4. An Israeli soldier was arrested while vacationing in Marrakesh, Morocco. He is accused of committing war crimes in Gaza after completing a three-month of duty there.
