
China could re integrate Mongolia to the mainland anytime it wishes to

 The Western anti-China camp will try to capitalize on any minor differences between Russia and China as leading to a split and leading to a collapse of co-operation between the two countries. The Western MSM and pro-Western shrills are very imaginative and clever in making mountains out of molehills trying to drive a wedge between Russia and China. They can fool their own Anglo-Saxon White's checkers or draught players, but not chess players like Putin and Xi.

As an example, Russia and China had initial agreements to build another gas pipeline from Russia to China, going through Mongolia - The Power of Siberia 2. China now realized that Mongolia is hedging its bets by being extra friendly with the USA and the West recently, and China had to redraw its original plans to run the gas pipeline through Mongolia, which can be used by the USA and the West to sabotage China's gas supply. What the USA and the West did with the Nord Stream 2 pipeline sabotage taught China a very strategic and useful lesson.

Russia and China are now negotiating on a new plan to run the Power of Siberia 2 across Kazakhstan instead - a shorter, safer and more secure investment. There are more important considerations that China has recalculated, one of which being that China will have to pay a hefty fee to Mongolia for the gas pipeline running through its territory, which is going to escalate when Mongolia is pressured by its handlers from the West. This is in addition to the fear that gas cut-off could result in the event of conflict with the USA, which Mongolia will have to be pressured to take sides.

So, renegotiating a new plan is interpreted as a split by the simple-minded Simons. Laughable but true.



  1. China must not re-integrate Mongolia to the mainland as it is becoming increasingly closer to the USA and the West. Mongolia has rich resources like rare earth, that the USA and the West are greedily eyeing, with bulging green eyes, and they will continue to engage in subterfuge by pressuring Mongolia against China. What other countries are the USA and the West eyeing besides Mongolia?

    Venezuela for its massive oil reserves is a prime target and Russia has to get its act together with Venezuela to put paid and deter the 'mother of all terrorists' from trying to seize the oil. Mafia Trump already stated clearly during his term as President that he wants to seize Venezuela's oil. Attempts to create instability, incursions using mercenaries tied to the CIA, inciting opposition to create chaos have all failed.

    Why is the USA also so interested in Vietnam. Vietnam has the world's second largest reserves of rare earth. The USA and the West are desperate to find new sources of rare earth elements after China exerted control over exports of Gallium and Germanium. These are required for weapons development, semiconductors and aviation needs.

    Indonesia is another country that the USA is eyeing, with its rich mineral resources like nickel and bauxite for battery production. The USA is making great attempts to be close to Indonesia, not because they love Muslims in Indonesia. Do not get them wrong. Nothing is more important to the USA than their interest.

    China is now adding Antimony to its export control for National Security reasons. Antimony is a flame retardant that should be an important material for aviation and the military. National Security is becoming a very useful excuse nowadays and is being used either way. Dual use is going to become important very soon, as everything is considered dual use, even food for arm forces. The more 'word salad' the USA and the West wants to invent to cripple China, the more it will hit them under the belt. What is sauce for the goose is also sauce for the gander. It works both ways.

  2. China even has a small border between them and Russia, but through mountainous terrain. Might be difficult to build a gas pipeline directly. So, going through Kazakhstan is the obvious solution. In any case that pipeline would be more secure and not subjected to uncertainties. Nothing is safe through enemy territory, like the Nord Stream pipelines.

  3. The Mongols invaded China in 1271 and ruled China as the Yuan Dynasty till 1368 when it fell to the Ming Dynasty. The Yuan Dynasty integrated Mongolia as an integral part of China - a province of China. From the Yuan Dynasty to subsequent Chinese rulers Mongolia has always been ruled as part of China's national sovereign territory as a Chinese province. However, due to Russia's treachery Mongolia was detached from China in 1946.

    From 1925 to 1948 China was in turmoil with many provinces under warlords and with many European countries inclusive of Russia tearing China apart under their extraterritorial control while at the same time China was subjected to Japanese invasion.

    It was during these turbulent times Russia under Stalin occupied Mongolia from 1925 to 1946 under the pretext of holding it for the security of China less it would be occupied by Japan. However, in late 1946 and without China's permission or agreement Russia treacherously organized a false and fake plebiscite for Mongolian Chinese to choose either to become independent or continued to be part of China's sovereign territory. The fake plebiscite under Russia's control obviously but falsely declared that the Mongolian Chinese obted for indpendence. Yet before holding the fake plebiscite Stalin had illicitly and illegally cut off a large part of Mongolia and annexed it to Russia to form the Tannu Tuva province by the side of Lake Baikal.

    Hopefully the day will come when Mongolia will reunite with motherland China as part of China's sovereign province.

    Tuesday, 3rd September, 2024
