
BRICS Summit - Modi must be barred from attending

 De-dollarization may not be fast and furious at present. But expect a tsunami once the BRICS global currency and settlement system takes off. The BRICS summit in Kazan, Russia should tell us more about the progress being made.

Modi is having a meeting in Washington with the emperor, taking instructions on what to do in Kazan, Russia. Quite coincidental that he is now in Washington just a month away from the BRICS summit. I smell a rat.

Expect Modi to go against the flow of the tide in Kazan. That is my bet. 


PS. It is a matter of time before India be booted out of BRICS and SCO. Sleeping with the Americans, the number one enemy of both organisations, of the Arab and Muslim nations, is a no go. Briefing the Americans, getting instructions from the Americans before attending BRICS' summit, what is Modi saying?


  1. Common sense will tell us that no country can straddle two boats at the same time and be able to claim being loyal to both sides. It cannot work. One side is going to be betrayed.

    BRICS must settle the India issue in order for further progress. Otherwise, that 'Sword of Damocles' will continue to hang over its head. BRICS cannot afford sensitive information being leaked to the QUAD and vis a vis the USA. Either such sensitive information be denied to India or India must be barred or removed from BRICS. It cannot go on forever.

    There must be a new ruling stipulating that whichever country joins any alliance with the USA as partners must be prevented from joining BRICS. Putin already put in place a new rule that forbids countries joining the sanctions against Russia must not be allowed to join BRICS. That should be the way forward for BRICS to be constructive and safe. It is no use crying over spilt milk later on by not doing the necessary to prevent any sabotage of the agenda of BRICS and its de-dollarization objective.

    Allowing the devil into the house is easy, but getting rid of the devil from the house is going to be difficult.

  2. By being in both BRICS and QUAD, India is privy to what is going on in both organisation. And the two organisations are antagonistic to each other. Would India betray BRICS or QUAD? Or can India be the saint, not betraying anyone?
    This is the cunningness of the snake at works.
    Would BRICS and QUAD be stupid enough to trust India would not betray them and pass info to the other side?
