
BRICS or QUAD - When would India be booted out?

 Common sense will tell us that no country can straddle two boats at the same time and be able to claim being loyal to both sides. It cannot work. One side is going to be betrayed.

BRICS must settle the India issue in order for further progress. Otherwise, that 'Sword of Damocles' will continue to hang over its head. BRICS cannot afford sensitive information being leaked to the QUAD and vis a vis the USA. Either such sensitive information be denied to India or India must be barred or removed from BRICS. It cannot go on forever.

There must be a new ruling stipulating that whichever country joins any alliance with the USA as partners must be prevented from joining BRICS. Putin already put in place a new rule that forbids countries joining the sanctions against Russia must not be allowed to join BRICS. That should be the way forward for BRICS to be constructive and safe. It is no use crying over spilt milk later on by not doing the necessary to prevent any sabotage of the agenda of BRICS and its de-dollarization objective.

Allowing the devil into the house is easy, but getting rid of the devil from the house is going to be difficult. 



  1. SCO member nations have expressed unhappiness with India for having held the previous SCO meeting in virtual mode, overplaying the G20 summit and downgrading the SCO. Officials in SCO
    member nations are contemplating new rule that one country cannot unnecessary hamper or stop or delay the cooperation amongst other nations in the SCO. Perhaps they may make this new rule also for BRICS.

  2. India is exercising its de facto veto right as a founding member, to veto what is not in its interests or what the Americans instructed India to veto.

  3. That Dingo Dog down South is trying to play the appointed policeman of the USA in East Asia. It is asking China for an explanation over China's successful test firing of an ICBM that is capable of reaching the USA. China should just tell the dingo to stop barking at the wrong tree and not just comply with the dictates of the USA.

    An explanation is easy to comply. Just tell the dingo dog that China moved out the missile to the launch pad and press a button to fire it. What is there to explain? It is just asking the obvious to create mischief and provocation to elicit a response. What is wrong with China testing a ICBM? The Anglo-Saxon White countries have been testing nuclear weapons in the Pacific Islands for decades. Why didn't Australia ask for an explanation over testing on such sites like Marshall Island and Bikini Atoll, all close to its own shores?

    On the other hand, China should have asked Australia to explain why it needed to form AUKUS in order to have nuclear capable submarines. According to Paul Keating, ex Australian PM, who asked the question 'who is a threat to Australia'? It was all due to fabricated threat against Australia to enable the USA and UK to rip Australia off with the purchase of nuclear submarines that cost Australia a bomb.

  4. China should simply ignore this dingo. NO need to reply. Let the dingo bark in the wilderness.

  5. USA has military bases all over Japan, South Korea, Okinawa, Philippines and Australia and all armed with nuclear weapons. Now, what is China and Russia waiting. The US has shown the path for China and Russia to build nuclear armed bases in Central America and South America. Russia and China should do it now and not be negligent for the safety and security of their countries and the Global South coountries.

  6. Many US allies certainly think China is Ah Q.

    A Japan Maritime Self-Defense Force (JMSDF) destroyer transited the Taiwan Strait on Wednesday (Sept. 25) .

    The Japanese destroyer JS Sazanami's passage through the Taiwan Strait marked the first in the history of the JMSDF.

    The JS Sazanami began its passage through the Taiwan Strait from the East China Sea side on Wednesday morning, sailing south for over 10 hours and completing the passage through the Taiwan Strait by the evening.

    Meanwhile, Australian and New Zealand naval vessels passed through the Taiwan Strait. The JMSDF will hold a joint exercise with the Australian and New Zealand navies in the South China Sea on Thursday (Sept. 26).

  7. Agreed. China deserved to be bullied by all the small Mickey Mouse states as long as it behaves like Ah Q. It is China's own fault, with its stupid policy of not daring to kick asses. All the Americans and their allies needed is to call China names and China would run and hide. Just because they called China's Wolf Warrior foreign policy and China removed Zhao Zhijian to appease the West.
    And China wants to be treated as an equal to the Americans when little Mickey Mouse can kick China around, threaten China and China did not know how to fight back except crying like Ah Q.

  8. All these little pesky countries dared to sail their warships into the front yard of China knowing China would be afraid to do anything. These are aggressive acts. They could turn around and fire their missiles into China. At such a short distance, China has no chance to defend.
    And China is afraid to act, afraid to be called aggressive. When would China stop behaving so stupidly? Sack the advisor to the foreign affair ministry.

  9. Nuclear war should have started long ago. Humans should have been as extinct as the dinosaurs.

  10. This stupid Chinese behaviour is reflected in all Chinese movies. When the enemies came to attack them, they would not fight back until the enemies killed the father, mother and everyone in the family. Then only the last surviving member would fight back.
    This kind of obsolete and silly philosophy must be erased from the Chinese psyche. Mao's Cultural Revolution is about erasing all the ancient bad ideas and practices, and building a New and strong China. But this idea is still retained and popularised in stupid Chinese movies. Always wait until being beaten to a pulp then want to fight back.

  11. China really needs brave Singaporeans to stand up for it. Go Singapore Go!

    1. Conscripts soldiers in civvy lifes.

      Sinkies training also injured and died.

      Hand guns wanted to teach China how to suck eggs ah?

  12. Little countries sailing warships through the Taiwan Strait is like slapping Ah Q in the face. But Ah Q would only cry and cry, would not do anything to defend against such provocations.

  13. Latest report in the Shits Times that China on alert as the Japs warships sailed thru the Straits of Taiwan.

    One suggestion. China should warned and shoot across the bows of these pests from their warships shadowing them.

    Bet they would scurry away and let this be a warning to other pests who dared do the same.

    Bet that they won't dare to retaliate as this be their watery graves.

    This one warning that could stop their Mickley mouses acts thinking that China is a sick cat and paper tiger.

  14. Singaporeans are really brave guys on paper. When Mahathir was slapping us, no Singaporeans wanted to start a war with Malaysia. When Indians invaded Singapore en masse, no Singaporean dared to protest, even wave a banner on the street. Brave or not, up to you to judge.
