
BRICS is FREEDOM.... from American oppression, threats, sanctions and bullying

 BRICS is not simply an economic blog of nations to cooperate and trade among themselves. The countries of the world have been under the oppression and control of the evil American Empire, being threatened and bullied by the American terrorists and unable to fight back, unable to break free from the stranglehold of the evil Americans in everything. 

The Americans see themselves as the Empire to rule the world. They are the law makers, making rules and laws for the world to obey and live by under the mischievous so called Rules Based Order, not the international law under the UN. The Americans called the shot, interfering and meddling the affairs of every country, telling countries what to do, who are enemies, who are their enemies, who they can or cannot trade with, who they should sanction and who they should go to war with.

Any country disobeying the American edicts would be taken to task, be sanctioned, isolated, invaded and their leaders killed. That is life under the evil American Empire. There is no freedom, no democracy under the American terrorists waving the flags of freedom and democracy. There is also no human rights. The American terrorists killed whoever they want, and rule the world using their military might.

BRICS is the alternative, the saviour of all nation states, to be free from American oppression. The countries no longer need to labour to produce goods and services to exchange for a piece of paper the American issued as money of exchange. The countries of the world no longer need to feed the American terrorists or be attacked or killed by the Americans.

BRICS is FREEDOM for countries of the world, to do what they like, to be friends and trade with whoever they like, to be free to use their own currencies for trade, no longer to be slaves of the American terrorists. BRICS is like living in a new world with new rules they made for themselves in their interests, not to be living under the oppressive American Rules Based Order, to be killed or kicked around by the Americans, threatened and bullied by the Americans.

BRICS is here to set the rest of the world free from the Americans terrorists!


  1. ABSOLUTELY. And start by dedollarisation, the quiet, non violent and effective way to cut the testicles off the devils. Then as icing on the cake, restrict the exports of critical minerals to these evil country. And if that's still not enough, stop importing their goods to suffocate them. There're many alternatives to fall back on.

  2. I believe it is more than oppression, threats, sanctions and bullying. It is USA economic terrorism, carried out through the use of oppression, threats and sanctions put together. If the world still thinks the USA's system is the best for the world, they are mistaken. The system was set up mainly to control the world through the US$ hegemony, backed up by the USA's massive spending on its military in order carry this out.

    Thirty years ago, the USA faced no peer competition in terms of military power and economic might. With the rise of China, everything changes. The spending by China on military expansion relative to its size had been demonized often and hyped up to raise suspicion because of the challenge it posed to the USA.

    Russia may not be an economic power but is still a strong military competitor and together with China, the USA is going all out to put down the threat posed by both countries. The USA's preoccupation to remain the sole superpower is an agenda that is cast in stone, even roping in its Anglo-Saxon allies to help in its preservation.

    The formation of BRICS was the straw that broke the camel's back, aside from the rise of China's manufacturing juggernaut. The USA lost the competition on the economic front even with all the trade wars and sanctions ongoing. The USA is no longer the supreme military superpower that it once was despite its spending on the military that is more than the total combined spending of the next ten countries.

    1. The dynamic duo of China and Russia is unbeatable. China with its economic might and Russia with its military strength. A match made in heaven to ensure world peace.
