
American terrorists are setting up time bombs all over the world for wars

 Actually, not a word that USA politicians spout is not lies one way or another. And not a word of truth will ever come out of USA politician's mouth that they want to hide to promote their agenda.

Everyday USA politicians talk about not wanting to escalate the wars in Ukraine and Middle East, but they keep supplying weapons for them to fight. How on earth can there ever be any chance for peace to come about? This is encouraging the Ukrainians and Israelis to continue the fighting. How do they fight without the weapons that the USA supplied? Fighting with shovels like the Russians and still gaining territories?

Just look at the situation in the South China Sea. More and more weapons are slowly and discreetly being sent to the Philippines, encouraging them to confront and hyping up the threat from China. Across the Taiwan Straits, more and more weapons are supplied to Taiwan by hyping up the threat from China. On the Korean Peninsula more and more provocations are carried out with military exercises conducted close to the North.

All these are situations that the USA wants to keep cultivating as time bombs. In the event of a miscalculation, war could suddenly erupt, a situation which the USA is waiting to exploit.

But China is wise enough to see what the USA is planning to do in the South China Sea and keeping a close eye on Ukraine and Israel. China have just to control export of most of the essential raw materials for making weapons, without which the USA and NATO are crippled. Now, it appears that Ukraine is suffering a serious shortage of weapons from the USA, which of course will never be talked about. Why and for what reason is also not discussed as it is a security issue. 



  1. The pale face barbarians have no intention to have peace in the Middle and that includes Turkey. Their ultimate aim is to take over and colonise the whole Middle East. That's the reason they planted the Zionist Jews in Palestine in 1948 as the forward guarding fort for future expansion. I may have to repost an article which I wrote last year about the evil plots of the Anglo-Saxons and the Zionist Jews, the plots of which started as early as in the 1860sto 1940s.


  2. The USA economy strives on wars. The USA produces nothing for the world or that the world wants and needed, only weapons of destruction and toxic US$ that it now uses as a weapon as well.

    The USA had the intention to outsource production of consumer products together with pollution to other countries, especially China to take advantage of the cheap labor, and only needs to print toilet papers to enjoy such consumer products cheaply and easily. But it backfired, because the jobs either went with the off shoring or just disappeared for good. In time the USA blamed China for stealing its jobs and using slave labor to make such products.

    Weapon production was the monopoly of the USA after WW2. Not today. Russia and China and a host of other countries are encroaching on the USA weapons production turf, even North Korea and Iran are weapon producers of repute. That eats into the USA war economy, and with a shrinking pie to be shared, the USA is now thinking of insourcing the very consumer-based industries that it destroyed or got rid of earlier. The infrastructures are not there anymore and need to be rebuilt. The raw materials are now under control by others and subject to their dictates. The skilled labor is not there in numbers to support the manufacturing with shoring. The education system has to be relooked in order to produce engineers and STEM graduates instead of just lawyers, doctors and academics. It will take time.
