
American Clown Election - Russia and China bogeymen in spotlight as usual

 For a short time, I was under the impression that using bogeymen Russia and China had faded away from the USA election spotlight. I was wrong. Russia and China are like the sauce to complement the taste of a dish and always needed during USA election season. Nothing meanders from their playbook which both parties follow.

After the fiasco of Biden's incapacity taking center stage faded away, the new
or should I say, the old playbook of using bogeymen Russia and China is dusted and put to good use again. The fuse has been ignited and the MSM is taking up the task of adding fuel to the fire.

Congress will take up the demonizing of Russia and China, with Iran as well, on the election interference issue. Nothing is beyond them to fabricate by just providing the narrative to fit the agenda which they have horned into an art. Just like the Iraq War with the whole UN falling for it.

That is why keeping the swamp intact has its privileges and advantage in times of need for both parties. The oddballs in the swamp are still needed to sing the chorus to serenade the voters. Why would Trump want to drain the swamp is a no brainer.


PS. Fact-checkers brace for lie-filled debate as Trump faces Harri. An AFP article saying the obvious. The debate is all about lies and lying from the two clowns.


  1. Russian gate is again on the election agenda of the Democrats. This indicates Trump is perhaps having the upper hand. If China gate surfaces, it probably indicates that Harris is leading. But now, they are said to be equally balanced.

    Therefore, renewing Russian gate is thought to remind voters the danger of Russian influence in US election. Have they not had enough of the wild goose chase during Trump's four-year Presidency? As I always say, US election can never do without the two perennial bogeymen, Russia and China.

    What is happening within the US is not important for the voters. The homelessness, drug problem, gun problem, debts, and economy in serious trouble. Of course, they can deny as denying is their modus operandi when no solution is found. Just kick the can further down the road and it vanishes from sight.

  2. USA election is all about who can lie better wins. Or who can demonize Russia or China better will win. It is a clown show put up for the benefit of the voters, with Russia and China thrown in to make a better blockbuster. And the sequels will continue.

  3. The way the candidates are lying and the way the voters are reacting, it looks like taking candy from a kid. What they promise is not what the voters will get.

    Grandstanding works in the USA because both parties thrive on it. Four years is a short time to keep any promise, with half the term preparing for the next election. It is a clown show, nothing more.
