
American and western atrocities exposed by social media...they are losing the propaganda war

 By the same argument, it is clear that Ukraine cannot be allowed to join NATO, which is very important for Russia. That is why Russia is not letting this 'Red Line' be crossed. Ukraine joining NATO will result in nukes being sited there and will never be removed as time goes by. If Ukraine ever joins NATO, Russia will just destroy Ukraine completely and turn it into a waste land, where agriculture cannot exist. It will be a new the stone age in the making.

Just look at Gaza, with children studying under makeshift tents in open ground after their school turned into dust by the Israelis. The children were shown sitting on the bare ground. It was shocking that schools, refugee centers, hospitals and even UN aid centers could be targeted and destroyed. Ukraine will suffer the same fate if it joins NATO.

With all these atrocities being reported and totally avoided by the MSM, little wonder they knew they have lost the social media war and are resorting to banning apps uncovering the reality. Australia is passing a new law to prevent those in the younger age group from access to information on social media. This will be the same modus operandi to be taken up by other Anglo-Saxo white countries using this test balloon. When they lost the ability to compete or counter, they resort to dirty tactics like banning apps such as Tik Tok.



  1. Was wondering why the Pope did not go visit Gaza to spread his love? Did any public money being used to entertain him in sinkiesland? If Gaza is too dangerous, he could go to Israel to lecture Nut-yahoo about humanity. Or perhap go to Marica to ask the 2 president hopeful clown to have mercy on low wage worker...

  2. Tell that Pop oops Pope to first lectured his own White Barbarians and Savages

    Who are the REAL terrorists of the World?

    Birds of same feathers flocked together!

    Keep your lectures to your white Savages.

  3. By not visiting Gaza, by not talking about the genocide, is the Pope sanctioning Israel and the US in the genocide of the Palestinians? Or Palestinian lives not important, no need to kiss Palestinian children.

  4. The Pope is also White. What to expect? He is helping to sustain the Anglo-Saxon hegemony. Where got such thing as love in the Anglo-Saxon dictionary? They do not walk the talk!

  5. The Pope and the Christian fraternities reticence in the Gaza's Genocide is the most glaring hypocrisy of the faith and its followers. Palestinians are not human beans, no need to save or protect them. Keep pretending to kiss children all over the world, but just ignored Gaza.
