
AIA misappropriate hundreds of billions from Chinese clients after the two world wars

 This article on when China is going to charge HSBC for its outrageous act against Meng Wanzhou and the Chinese PRC rekindles my interest to when China is going to settle account with AIA an American insurance company founded long ago in Shanghai for misappropriating hundreds of billions of dollars from Chinese clients who might have died during the First World War 1914 to 1918 and the Second World War 1931 to 1945. ( For the Chinese Second World War started from 1931, the year Japan started to attack and invade China ). 

AIA cannot be just opportunist to swallow freely the billions of dollars from dead Chinese clients by subterfuge in claiming that the identity of the dead clients cannot be traced. No matter what China must now pick up the thread and demand AIA to appear before the PRC government to account for the billions it illegally appropriated. This case of AIA illegal appropriation of the billions belonging to deceased Chinese clients has been dormant for too many decades. 

AIA cannot claim this happened before the founding of the PRC . This is a stupid lame excuse for it must settle with whatever Chinese government that comes into power in China. China must now pursue AIA to cough out the billions of dollars owed to deceased Chinese clients for these money by legal right should be reverted to the Chinese national government which is now the PRC and not to be unlawfully or illegally retained by AIA. 

Time is of the essence the PRC must henceforth pursue AIA on the issue to its successful conclusion as quickly as possible.

Tuesday, 24th September, 2024

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