
Africa in China. Win win formula locks out US and Europe from Africa for good

 All the African leaders are in China for an economic summit to build stronger trade and development cooperation. China has pledged 360 billion yuan or about US$51b to African states for the next 3 years. Compare this to what the Americans pledged to African and the token offered to Asean states. Not sure if the Americans make good their offers to Africa and Asean. Oops, one African state was absent, can't remember it's name, but an ally of Taiwan, not important to know. The key mission of the summit is the modernisation of Africa with full assistance from China..

And the Americans and western media again tried to smear China's offer as another 'debt trap', forgetting that they had plundered and exploited Africa for more than two centuries, leaving Africa as an abandoned continent of underdeveloped nations infamously called a shit hole by Donald Trump. Their intent was for Africa to be what it is now and forever be underdeveloped, forever a shit hole, with no development and little financing and aid from the Americans and the Europeans. Probably they are hoping to continue to rob Africa as their former colonies or dysfunctional states with American and European mercenaries turning the African nations upside down.

Xi Jinping did not just offer financial and technological assistance, Africa is the most favoured nation of China with no tariffs on their exports to China. China is opening its whole market to Africa. Africa is also the biggest beneficiary of Chinese mobile phones, sold in the African markets at a price too good to be true. No American or European mobile phones can compete and are completely locked out of Africa.

Africa is also going to be the biggest beneficiary of the best and cheapest EV cars produced by China. There is no more need to buy American or European cars. China's EVs would dominate the whole African market, and American and European cars would end up like the dodo birds in Africa. Other than the top end models of BYD and other Chinese brands, China also manufactured many workhorses for the average working class Africans at $5,000 or $6,000 per car, a price that is too good to believe but is real.

The Summit in Beijing would seal the fate of American and European products in Africa and would bring China African relations to a higher level of win win cooperation. This is the main reason why all the African leaders are celebrating in Beijing, China.

China is in Africa not to colonise and plunder Africa like the white savages did. China is helping the Africans to rebuild their continent. If the Africans can maintain peace in Africa, by driving out all the white terrorists, mercenaries and saboteurs, Africa would get the best infrastructure, the best ports, township and highways, and high speed trains, to be more modern and better than Europe today. China will help Africa leapfrogged over Europe and America, forget about third world India.

Africa is like a clean sheet of paper for China to lay out a blue print for a new rail and road system to rival what is in China. In the process, China has promised to create 1 million jobs for the Africans!


  1. The choice for Africa is obvious, despite the accusation of debt traps.

    A fair exchange of aid for resources, with infrastructures to show, is better than getting little aid, with exploitation of resources and no infrastructures to show.

    Africa has its right to progress. Just for being poor and therefore denied opportunities to progress does not mean aid should not be extended. Even if it is unsustainable, as propagandized, China did what is necessary. After all, lifting people out of poverty is what China does best, with more than 850 million of its own citizens now lifted out of poverty, it is already a glowing testimonial that cannot be denied. China is now extending that poverty eradication globally. Not in rich USA and Europe by the way, LOL.

  2. Meanwhile, sinkiesland is offering the asia "african" upgraded ceca, 0% tariff for cecian to be imported...haha

  3. If you watch all the pro-USA shrills on Youtube, everything in China is falling apart. Toufu bridges are falling down, buildings are falling down, dams are breaking apart, even Xi Jinping suffered a stroke.

    Yet, Xi Jinping is now holding a China-Africa summit in Beijing. Putin is very sick and should be dead by now, but he is holding another Eastern Economic Forum in Vladivostok, Russia. This is the reality versus the fabrication that the USA is spreading using its Propaganda machine that is now a laughingstock that the world takes as a joke.

    China and Russia need not have to contradict the false narratives on Youtube. The results are self-explanatory and needs no monetary effort to put forward.

  4. The CECA is a win-win situation for Sinkieland and India. India provides all the talents for Sinkieland, while Sinkieland invested big in India. That is the truth, no need for POFMA lah!

  5. Singapore eyeing India's talents, India eyeing Singapore's money.

  6. India and Singapore will also step up cooperation in areas such as healthcare.

    What does that mean?

    Are they going to bringing in more doctors from India to treat us C-classers in our public hospitals?

    Very very worried indeed !

  7. In the past MSM journalist used to ask - What is China doing in Africa?

    Today MSM journalist are asking - What is Africa doing in China? (about the China-Africa Summit)

    Me would like to ask - What is wrong with that? (To quote Yanis Varoufakis, ex Finance Minister of Greece)

  8. I'd love to see yankee whites being used as slaves in Africa in a few decades. Karma strikes again.

  9. The Whites in South Africa are already facing discrimination by the Blacks in many areas and living in anxiety. The Whites are no longer the race calling the shots. They are the minority race now. And some of the younger Whites are asking why they are being mistreated and discriminated against for the misdeeds of their parents and grandparents in the past.

    Karma works in ways that we do not understand. What we do may fall on our offsprings later on as well. It does happen.
