
Africa and Arab/Muslim states growing world stature through BRICS

 No one in the western world listen to the Africans or the Arabs and Muslims. Africa is still in many ways colonised and dysfunctional states controlled by the Americans and their ex colonial powers. Whatever China or Russia are trying to do to lift the Africans up from poverty, to develop their infrastructure, to strengthen their military and control of their own destiny, some African leaders are still singing the American chorus, that the Chinese and Russians are like the Americans and their colonial masters, out to exploit and colonise them. This is the narrative the Americans and the West have implanted into the heads of Africans, until they cannot tell the difference between the colonial masters and plunderers of their countries, from what China and Russia are doing for them. They could not see that China and Russia did not bring a gun to point at their heads. China and Russia treat every African state as equal and work with them on mutually negotiated and agreed upon projects.

There is no free lunch, nothing is for free. Only under colonialism that everything for the colonial masters were free to take, to plunder and to exploit, even to take lives. China and Russia came for trade and to assist if invited by the African states, not with gunboats and guns to rob and steal. Many African states have benefited from the assistance of China and Russia and are making progress to rebuild their countries to become modern industrialised state in the making. Still, they are taken for granted by the Americans and the west as shithole states, not to be taken seriously, not to be heard or noticed.

In many ways the Arab and Muslim states are not faring any better. Some have been invaded and the countries and economies in ruins, people killed or wounded, driven into becoming refugees, but no compensation from the invaders. And the invaders are still in their countries, occupying their land and conquerors, refusing to live, the new colonial masters, under the pretext of fighting terrorists, of which were created by the invaders. They demonised Arab and Muslim freedom fighters as terrorists when the white men are the real terrorists, terrorising the Arab and Muslim countries.

Many Arab and Muslim states are de facto colonies of the Americans, with American military bases in their land, to control them and to conduct regime change if they did not behave.  In other words, the African and Arab and Muslim states are anything but independent states under the control of the Americans and the West. They exist without existing, independent but not independence. They talk, shout and scream, but no one is listening or taking them seriously.

In BRICS, the African and Arab and Muslim states could find a place in the new organisation, to be noticed, to be recognised, to be heard, and to be taken seriously. They have a voice and a place in BRICS, not to be taken for granted, like furnitures. BRICS would give the African and Arab and Muslim states the recognition they deserved as independent nation states, to share their concerns and to fight for their own national interests on a platform that every nation state, big or small, is equal in the organisation. BRICS is their own private club. They need not wait outside the door of G7 or G20, waiting to be invited as a guest but with no speaking rights or any rights at all.

BRICS will elevate the stature and importance of every African and Arab and Muslim state to be the equals in the family of nation states. They would not be seen as shitholes and dysfunctional states to be forgotten on the side line of the community of nation states. The voices of African and Arab and Muslim states would be heard in BRICS, loud and clear.

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