
USA's domination in swimming, athletics and gymnastics for decades at the Olympics using drugs

 The whole world had been duped by the USA's domination in swimming, athletics and gymnastics for decades at the Olympics.

The USA swimming team had been dubbed the 'Asthma Team' because of their widespread use of a drug by its top swimmers to promote blood flow, which in itself is a performance enhancing substance.

This was probably an immunity given to particular USA top swimmers that the USA leveraged on to perform spectacularly at the Olympics. Katie Ledecky swam 10 seconds faster than her nearest opponent in Paris but was never suspected of doping issues while all the accusation was directed towards Pan Zhanle's World Record swim in the 100mt freestyle.

Similarly, some of their top USA gymnasts had probably been given immunity to use the drug Adderall to address concentration or Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder issues. Whether such gymnasts really had such disorders are questionable. As such the USA's gymnastic team had been dubbed the 'ADHD Team'. Concentration is the key point in gymnastics and the use of the drug is also a performance enhancing drug.

Most medals at the Olympics comes from sports such as swimming, athletics and gymnastics, which were and still are the sports dominated by the USA for decades. Excelling in these three sports alone is instrumental for overall top position standing and the USA knows this. In team sports like football, hockey or water-polo where a team medal is counted as one and is not a good bet for overall medals standing.

China now also knows what to bet on and concentrated on diving, table tennis, shooting and badminton and putting less emphasis on team sports like football, hockey and water polo among others, which China is just lack lustra in to say the least. But China is improving in swimming, which is muscling in on the turf of the USA. This is a no no and the weaponizing of doping by the USA and its cronies against China is accelerating.

Therefore, the USA has to be exposed in its doping and cheating regime. As Putin already said, the USA will accuse those of doing the very same things that they had been doing. The USA never looks at the devil in the mirror.



  1. Suspect aussies as well.

  2. The 4 Anglo Saxon countries, USA, UK, Australia and Canada were all guilty of doping.

  3. The USA is losing its domination in the Olympics in swimming and athletes in particular despite its doping cheat over the decades. It is now resorting to hitting below the belt, the same vile tactic taken form their political playbook. After years of demonizing the likes of East Germany, the Soviet Union and now Russia and getting rid of them successfully, it is using the same tactic against the Chinese.

    Not so fast this time, as WADA is deeply hurt and fighting back against ludicrous claims by certain officials of the USADA and exposing the dirt on the USA doping regime.

  4. Paris Olympics, China won 44 gold, ie China 40, HongKong 2, Taipei 2. USA lies second with 40 gold.
