
US continues to steal Iraqi and Syrian oil

 Iran and other Islamic States will always be surrounding Israel and will not disappear and even if the USA and Israel wins, a perpetual underground war will follow. And underground war is what the USA feared most as in Vietnam.

Just take Iraq as an example. Saddam Hussein fell, but ISIS took over to keep Iraq in turmoil until today. Mission accomplished my foot. The only mission accomplished is the stealing of Iraqi oil. And Iraq now is still against USA control. When will it end? There is no end until the USA withdraws and stop stealing Iraq's oil. And so, that is the same situation that is facing the USA and Israel.

Or take Afghanistan. The USA had a hand in getting rid of the Taliban and installed their own stooge in power, even providing military training of Afghan troops to hold the fort for them. Did the USA succeed? Twenty long years and hundreds of billions into a black hole, only to see a return of the Taliban once again in power. Oh, never mind, it is just toilet papers, and the USA can just keep printing them. The day of unlimited printing of toilet papers is going to end soon.

Ukraine is another that is going to fail for the USA. And what about Israel? Think about it!


1 comment:

  1. The USA just been humiliated big time by the Taliban in Aghanistan, holding a military parade of seized USA reconditioned weapons worth US$7 billion - Black Hawks, Tanks, Armored Personnel Carriers and other weapons. In fact, the Taliban was mocking the USA with this parade. Those weapons were supposed to be rendered useless when the USA ran away with just their pants on, but the Taliban, being just farmers, were able to rebuild them and now they have a functioning military unit to boast of.

    Self-shooting of own feet seems to be the modus operandi of the USA Government. USA Critics are raving mad over the humiliation. Not only that, but the Taliban also learned much about those weapons and probably how to counter them.

    Russia also seized a whole field of Western supplied weapons from Ukraine and displaying them to taunt the USA and NATO. Russia is waiting for a F16 gift as well. And a F35 would be an added bonus. Zelensky could help Russia by asking for F35's if the game does not change with the F16. Perhaps an aircraft carrier would be the mother of all game changers for Zelensky.
