
Ukraine War - Obsolete F16s are the game changer

 The First F16 flew over the skies of Ukraine, and they think that this is the game changer they were waiting for.

If this does not change the game, well more game changing weapons will be given. Zelensky just have to ask, and Congress will approve. Leopard tanks, HIMARS multiple rocket launders, Challenger tanks and even foreign experts discreetly hiding underground and directing the Ukrainians in the war, failed to change the game after more than two long years.

Just look at all the weapons captured and put on display by the Russians. All game changers that changed nothing else but the fate of those operating those weapons. They either died or scattered like rats.

Ukrainians are deserting the army in droves, but you can be sure not too many have been reported to keep up morale. Ukraine is even resorting to enlist those presently not inside the country, that is those that tried to evade by migrating. Will they go back is the question? Why try to evade by migrating and then go back to face the music?


1 comment:

  1. The Ukrainians have reported sinking a Russian submarine. How to sink a submarine when it is already under water I just wonder. Can someone enlighten me?
