
The Jews and the Anglo-Saxons are too wicked and must be destroyed for good.

The Jews and the Anglo-Saxons are wicked beyond redemption. They are the real devils and satans in this global earth. There are clear signs that God want them to be destroyed and obliterated from the earth. For over two thousand years God had banished the Jews from Palestine. The Jews then went to inhabit various parts of Europe and other parts of the world and multiplied like termites causing immense damage to these countries. 

The Jews caused so much trouble and problems in Europe and America that they were persecuted in pogroms throughout the years. The Europeans and Anglo-Saxons Americans wanted to get rid of them. The Anglo-Saxons UK then colluded with Anglo-Saxon America to plant a Jewish state in Palestine at the expense of the Palestinian Arabs the rightful owner of all Palestine. So as can be seen the Jewish state of Israel is an illicit and illegal state arbitrarily planted on stolen Palestinian Arab land to serve the Anglo-Saxon geopolitical agenda to colonise the whole of Middle East including Turkey for white Europeans and the Jews. 

This European colonization of Arab Middle East was actually planned long ago in the 1880s and 1890s by the most wicked British imperialist Cecil Rhodes who in fact reiterated repeatedly that white men must colonise the whole of Middle East including Turkey and the continent of Africa which he claimed that the black Africans are sub humans and not fit to inherit the rich continent which is filled with abundant resources both mineral and agricultural and oil. 

Cecil Rhodes is a sickening British Jew. Knowing how bad and evil these white men and Jews are, the people of the South in Africa, Asia and Latin America must unite to confront, fight and destroy them as they have never given up their motive of conquering the whole world for white people and the Jews only. 

The United States is the off spring of Anglo-Saxon British imperialists and colonialists. It is also an unnatural illicit and illegal state formed from stolen land of the native Americans in which they killed and genocided almost all of them before forcefully taken over their land. 

The Anglo-Saxon Americans inherited the mantle of British imperialism and colonialsim and has its own diabolical ambition of conquering the whole world for white people and the Jews. They are colluding with the Zionist Jews to take over all of Middle East including Turkey and the whole continent of Africa. 

In the past the European countries fought against each other not only just for dominating other countries but also for dominating Europe. A European country which dominates Europe will also be taking over all the far flung colonies of the other defeated Europeans. It was this aggressive imperialist policy that caused the Napoleonic War, the Crimean War, first World War of 1914-1918 and the Second World War of 1938-1945. 

The Anglo-Saxon United States appeared to be unscathed by the Second World War and so instantly after the Second World War it continued to follow an aggressive imperialist policy of territorial expansion. It inherited the mantle of British imperialism and pursued its goal of world hegemony. In view of that it intended to defeat Russia and take over the whole of Asia land mass, inclusive of Arab Middle East and China. It is this diabolical American plan for world hegemony that is the cause of all present wars and turmoils in this world. 

The evil U.S. tries to take over all other countries both by deception and by subterfuge and fraudently base on its fake policy of democracy and human rights. Its usual modus operandi is to first accuse an intended victimise country of committing offences against democracy and human rights. It would then either engineer a rebellion against the victim state for takeover by a pro American stooge or it will directly attack and bomb the country fiercely and violently into submission to USA rule. 

The so-called white people ( Native Americans call them 'Pale Face' ) especially the Anglo-Saxons British, and later its descendents the Anglo-Saxons Americans, have been invading and genociding native people all over the world for colonisation for the last five hundred years. They have killed and slaughtered more than one hundred fifty million native Americans to almost extinction during the last ,few hundred years from the 15 Century to the present. To the white invaders, especially the Anglo-Saxons killing natives is not good enough. They say natives are sub-human and must be treated like wild animals. Therefore they would capture natives and subject them to all kinds of the most cruel, most brutal and most atrocious kinds of torture and are totally insensitive to the agony of pain and suffering before dying a slow agonizing death. That was the belief and practice of their European Christian faith. 

After the Second World War many colonized countries fought for independence. The white colonizers tried to clamp it down. But the colonies with the help of Russia and China resisted and fought against the return of the white imperialists and colonialists. Thus the British and the French imperialists found it untenable to hold on to many of their colonies. 

However, before granting independence to these countries, England and France sowed seeds of dissension among the population in the countries and also seeds of future confrontation between the colonies and their neighbouring countries. Just as an example, England stole some big chunks of Chinese lands in Southern Tibet and Aksai Chin in Western Tibet. England refused to settle with China these stole lands from China but handed these stolen territories to India upon granting it independence in 1947. 

Just like England, India refused to negotiate with China for the return of these Chinese lands to China. Thus evil Christian England had successfully planted the seeds of future confrontation between India and China and that resulted in the China - India border war of 1962. 

Similarly, the satanic Anglo-Saxon Americans have used its fake democracy and human rights to sow division between and among Asian countries like North and South Korea, China and Taiwan, Pakistan and Bangladesh and among many more other Asian countries or African and Latin America countries. The evil Anglo-Saxon United States would always instigate rebellion in many of these countries and even took direct action to destroy governments which it feels unfriendly to U.S. interests. This happened in Korea, Vietnam, Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Syria, Guatemala, Colombia, Chile and some other Central American countries. 

The world should not and must not allow the Anglo-Saxons United States and its white allies to continue all its evil and wicked deeds. All the countries of the South must unite strongly behind BRICS, Russia and China to confront head on and fight bravely and fiercely to destroy the satanic West headed by the Anglo-Saxon United States and England. It is very clear that white men headed by the United States and England have every intention to make a return to Western imperialism and colonialism with every ulterior motive to bring the whole world under their satanic control and evil hegemony. Wake up countries of the South and unite to defeat and destroy American imperialism forever. 

Southernglory1 or Yang Rong Nan 

 Saturday, 3rd August, 2024.


  1. The Anglo-Saxon United States is rotten to the core. There is no cure for its sickening society. The demise of US is for sure. But being wicked it refuses to die on its own but intend to pull other countries to be destroyed along with it through permanent wars.

  2. Karma is real. Retribution is real. The US and the West like France and England have committed millions of evil deeds against humanity. Their evil satanic deeds are coming home to roost. Look at how rotten and failing their societies are compare to the flourishing and vibrant societies in most Eastern countries like China, Vietnam, Indonesia, Brunei, Malaysia and Thailand. The West headed by the satanic United States is a gone case cancerous society with no hope at all for revival.

    George Santana


  3. Welcome to the blog, George Santana, Mexico.


  4. Israeli soldiers locked a woman and her baby in her house and set it on fire and recorded themselves singing as they are burned alive!


  5. UAss send more warships in fears of Iran's Revenge.

    Russian missiles as send to Iran to sink them.

  6. The Anglo Saxon terrorists and the Jews are ganging up to wipe out Lebanon. What are the Arab and Muslim nations going to do? Leave Lebanon in the lurch, alone to be bombed and destroyed by the Americans, Brits and the Jews?

    These terrorists have their plans all worked out, one Arab and Muslim state at a name to be attacked and destroyed. After Lebanon, which Arab and Muslim state would be next? They can keep hiding under the bed, don't put up their heads, don't say anything, don't do anything. But one thing for sure, their turn will come and no one would come to rescue them.

    This is the pathetic state of the Arab and Muslim world. Divided and waiting to be destroyed one by one.

  7. Lebanon is going to burn by the Americans, the Brits and the Israelis, maybe NATO. Many would be genocided like the Palestinians, for standing up for the Palestinians in action.

    And all the great Arab and Muslim nations are hiding behind their high walls, not saying a thing, waiting to see how their brothers and sisters would join the plight of the Palestinians.

    What happens to the so called Muslim Brotherhood?

    The Americans terrorists would annihilate the Lebanese in the name of defending the Israelis, in the name of Lebanon as a threat to the Americans.

    The UN also keeps very quiet.

  8. Today, with Russia and China together to take on the Anglo Saxons and the Jews, the Arab and Muslim states must be strong and wise to unite and stand up against the anti Arab and Muslim Anglo Saxons and the Jews. Missing this opportunity, they will forever be ruled by the Anglo Saxons and the Jews, their lands taken away to form the Greater Israel.

    This is a once in a life time opportunity. They will be no second chance for the Arabs and Muslims to live as dignified and independent people, free from the oppression and domination of the Anglo Saxons and the Jews.

    Why are they still hesitating and afraid to act? It is in their own good. Or they want to be like the Palestinians?
