
The EV Revolution - No one can resist an EV

 Many younger people would not have heard of records or cassette tapes. Many would not have seen a tape recorder or disc player. These gadgets, once the main entertainment tools of the past, of pop music and movies, are now like dinosaurs. They have lost their relevance and no longer useful, their places have been over taken by new technologies, thumb drives, micro discs, clouds etc etc.

New technologies can be very overwhelming and can totally erase the existence of old technologies. What were once popular and necessities could be totally replace by cheaper and more efficient gadgets. The domination of legacy internal combustion engine (ICE) cars are heading towards oblivion. 

Just 20 years ago, electric vehicles were just an experimental toy without much of a future. The ICE cars rule the world with their powerful engines and great performance. The big names in the industry were the Americans, Europeans and the Japanese. 20 years today, these big names are facing the biggest existential threat to their well being. Many are seeing a bleak future, to be overtaken by the high performance, efficient, eco friendly new EVs, no air pollution, no noise pollution and costing only a fraction.

The EVs are not only better in every aspects of a car. They are now cheaper and super efficient, with performance that even the best and most efficient high performance European cars could not match. And they are selling for the price of a song.

The big legacy car manufacturers are up in arms, wanting to stop the charge of the EVs into their respective fields. This is futile. No amount of sanctions and tariffs can stop the onslaught of a new technology that is so superior and revolutionary that resistance is futile.

The EVs would revolutionise the whole transport industry, from production to performance. And there are more to come once they become the gadgets of the future when every EV is embedded with AI to be the complete personal tool of the owner, lying somewhere around, without becoming an encumbrance but always there when needed by the owner, would appear to do its parts at the beck and call of the owner.

And the cost is going to be a fraction of a top high performance ICE car, cheaper than the cheapest average workhorse of an ICE car. No one can resist an EV. EV is the future. ICE is dead and gone in a decade or two, resting in the museum or someone's old garage for keepsake.

Oops, the biggest clean up in human history would be how to dispose all the scrap metals that were once ICE cars. No prizes for guessing the winner in this EV Revolution.


  1. CNA damning report on China EV batteries -
    South Korean drivers scramble to get rid of electric vehicles, citing safety concerns following fires

    EVs are now banned from some places like underground apartment parking lots, hospitals and even public parking spaces in downtown Seoul.


  2. Ever wonder why Sinkieland is very slow in adopting EV cars? Cause the papies make more money in selling petrol/diesel to sillyporean. However the loss in petrol money in the future as we move toward more EV will impact sillyporean pocket. Papies will cover the loss of petrol money by charging more for sillyporean household electricity usage.

  3. There are millions of EVs running on Chinese roads but rarely heard of fire. Why? Many Korean cars are catching fire using Korean batteries.
    The report of a solitary Mercedes Benz catching fire using a battery from a small Chinese battery maker speaks for itself. Many fishy questions to be asked.
    Singapore is slow in introducing EVs, is it due to American pressure not to use EVs, like Huawei 5G?

  4. Govt studying how to tackle cost-of-living concerns, take better care of seniors: PM Wong

    If he's sincere, all he needs to do is to stop making seniors pay GST for medical and dental treatment! But GST contributes to his $2million plus salary . . .

  5. Fire problem of EVs is a South Korean problem. The South Koreans are worried of buying their own EVs and abandoning EVs in their own country. This is good news for the safe and reliable Chinese EVs.
    Tesla also has a lot of problems and are making several recalls of its EVs for rectification.

  6. Seniors that have no income are paying 9% GST. How about that, paying taxes when one has no income?
