
Terrorist America wanting to overthrow Venezuela govt

 Another regime change is brewing in Venezuela, and we know who is behind it. This is not the first attempt and will not be the last.

Venezuela has the largest oil reserves in the world and the USA is looking at that with greedy intent and bulging eyes. Trump even gloated years earlier that the USA is going to seize all that oil reserves. What a shameless idea taken from the playbook of the Anglo-Saxon White's days of plunder, banditry and piracy.

After NIcolas Maduro Moros won the first election in 2013 and his third in 2024, there have been repeated attempts by the USA to instigate a regime change in Venezuela by using the opposition to create protest and riots, which we know that the CIA and USA supported NGOs were and are behind it all. They even tried at one time to overturn election results by using their stooge, opposition leader Juan Guaido, to ferment a regime change by working outside the country. It failed! There was even a clandestine attempt by the USA, using mercenaries recruited by the CIA, to conduct a military invasion years ago that failed.

There have been discreet reports lately that Russia is gaining a foothold in Venezuela with Russian warships calling at Venezuelan ports in a show of support for Maduro. This is making the USA paranoid, knowing that a regime change is getting more difficult and moving nowhere, and USA's eyeing of the oil reserves getting dimmer by the day. Hence, the only way is to create chaos to destabilize the country. This is the USA's modus operandi, taken from their playbook and applied in Xinjiang, Hong Kong, Myanmar, Bangladesh and Pakistan.

China is also expanding its influence in Venezuela and with the latter joining BRICS, it is a win-win situation for Venezuela and BRICS, with control of energy almost total. With Russia, Saudi Arabia, Venezuela, Iran and other major Middle East oil producers like UAE all in BRICS, the USA has practically lost its voice in the energy trade. The USA can keep ripping off the EU and bring the EU back to the stone age. Is that not what Henry Kissinger told us long ago? Being allies or friends of the USA is fatal!


1 comment:

  1. A few Russian warships and submarines around Venezuela will deter the USA from acting hostile like 'gangsters without morals' trying to steal the Venezuelan oil by force. What Russia did in Syria prevented the USA from taking over the oil. Forget about Western fact checking and claiming otherwise. The USA wanted to control the oil in Syria, which is as good as trying to steal the oil, nothing more, nothing less.

    Let me quote Robert de Niro about Trump again - 'Even gangsters have morals'. I think that quote should apply to all USA politicians, Republicans and Democrats alike such as Clintton, Obama and Biden inclusive.

    Venezuela is as good a foothold for Russia as Cuba and with today's missile range, that is going to be a good geopolitical move for Russia. What the USA can do in Europe, Russia should do likewise in Central and South America. In fact, Russia and China should expand their military co-operation in more countries around the world.

    Do people realize that the USA and the West is discreetly trying to create friction between Russia and China by claiming that Russia and China are vying for influence over North Korea. Such propaganda serves the motive of trying to create in people's mind that Russia and China are not as co-operative as they pretend to be. And that is how the USA propaganda machine generates its propaganda to create friction.
