
Singapore's population is exploding!

July 24, 2024 at 3:40 pm (Quote)

Fake Singaporean:
It’s too late. Real Sinkies have been outnumbered.

Yup, agreed. How can a population of 3 million in 1990 increased to >6 million in 2020 when the TFR drop from 1.8 to 1.2 during the period? Easily, 1 in 2 citizens are imported.  TRE

The above is a comment in TRE on the exploding population in Singapore despite the dire TFR of 1.2. Do not believe that this 1.2 TFR is shrinking the population. Population explosion is the problem Singapore is facing today, or welcoming today. And because of this rapid population growth, Singapore is frantically trying to build more flats to cater to the demand for more housing.

This is not the only problem facing Singapore's population explosion. Singapore will face greater pressure for the supply of water and electrical power and also food for the large population beyond its limited space and more jobs and jobs. Every little piece of greenery would be cut down to build homes for its bigger population.

Is this a good thing or a self inflicted wound Singapore intentionally and purposely created for itself? The population growth is self engineered, intended and by designed, without the approval of the Singaporeans. Population growth is a double edged sword. It cuts both ways and can be deadly if not well managed or if there is an economic crisis. The bigger the population, the bigger the problem.

There will be more desperate measures to provide for more water, food and energy in a resource deplete island. Singapore would likely be forced to go nuclear, the most clever solution to cater for the bigger population's need. All measures would be taken to make sure it will be safe. Why not, when Singaporeans are getting more talented and also so many foreign talents working here or becoming Singaporeans, nuclear energy would definitely not be a problem. Sure very safe. No nuclear accident for sure and no need for evacuation from the island.

Trust them. They are hoping that science and technology would be here, in time to meet Singapore's big population needs. Is this putting the horse before the cart or the cart before the horse? Just increase the population and by then a safe nuclear solution would be here waiting for Singapore. If not, just live with the over population problem, with the excessive foreigners in the island, with the need to create employment for them. Oops, new Singapore citizens or residents.

If China and India can have 1.4b population, why can't Singapore have 10, 15 or 20m?


  1. This is what Papies have been planning all along, very sinmple outcome:
    More population = Bigger GDP = More revenue collected (not necessary papies will spend more on citizen) = Bigger Bonus for Ministers

    Papies to peasants: You Die Your Business.
    There are already so many cases of old people dying alone. Have any ministers/mp come out with any answer/solution. When the Gov could not even detect such cases, calling ourselves a smart nation is a bit far fetched.

  2. Food and parcels delivery jobs also saturated.

    Hawkers also kaput.

    No mabufacturung industrial jobs that could employed hundreds of thousands and only still depending on the old logistics of Tourism. Air and Sea ports and have the numbers just their BTO lucrative profits shall also comes a time when also saturated.

    6 to 10 M just viable as sardines for the buses and MRT profits.

    When there a recession and a great depression, wow Nancy Pesi Bola quote of What's a beautiful sight it shall be when all in desperation and starvation shall riots and kill one another

    That's why they kept harping that Xi had sleepless nights to make sure that his 1.5 or 1.7B have enough food and power and jobs to take care of them.

    Small POP don't want want big POP later kena Popped then you mati.

    No real viable economy to sustain the POP.

    Think that good times are forever.

  3. Construction industry is booming in Red Dot. Everywhere you can see diggings here, filling up there, pulling down this, putting up that - it looks so full of vitality and exuberance. So full of promise. We now have a bricks and mortar economy. Same as Japan in the 1980/90's. Then everything turned to rubbles for the Japanese. All the shouting about the Japanese miracle turned sour and vanished into just a mirage.

    Now Japan is in shambles. From number 2 economy in the world to number 4. It was never thought to happen to Japan. The way things are moving, with the Japanese vehicle industry, its last remaining legacy of dominance, unable to compete with China, more pain is on the way for Japan. Where is Japan heading is unknown.

    Those that followed the USA are having withdrawal pains- Japan, South Korea and the EU are finding out the reality.

  4. Reported excitedly in India media . . .

    New Delhi, Aug 02 2024

    Singapore eases norms for foreign students to apply for PR

    Singapore has now made it easier for students to become permanent residents (PRs). This move aims to make Singapore a more attractive destination for international students, including those from India .

    One of the most notable changes is that Student Pass holders can now apply for Singapore Permanent Residency (PR) if they have passed at least one national exam or are part of the Integrated Programme. This is a major shift from the previous requirement, where students had to wait for at least two years before they could apply for PR. This change means students who excel academically now have a faster route to PR, making it easier for them to settle in Singapore permanently.

    The national exams that qualify students for PR include the Primary School Leaving Examination and the General Certificate of Education N/O/A level examinations. The Integrated Programme, which is also a valid route, includes a six-year course leading to the General Certificate of Education A-Level examination, the International Baccalaureate Diploma, or the NUS High School Diploma. This inclusive approach recognises various educational pathways, ensuring that more students can benefit from the relaxed immigration policies.

    Another big change is the inclusion of male guardians. Previously, only female guardians (mothers or grandmothers) could apply for a Long-Term Visit Pass (LTVP) to accompany a student studying in Singapore. Now, male guardians (fathers or grandfathers) can also apply for an LTVP, provided only one guardian accompanies the student.


  5. What is the percentage of Indians in Singapore's 6m population? 20% or 30% or more?
