
Renaming Olympics and Commonwealth Games to the 'Enhanced Olympics' and 'Enhanced Commonwealth Games

 Some are even suggesting renaming the Olympics and Commonwealth Games to the 'Enhanced Olympics' and 'Enhanced Commonwealth Games', where only those who are drug cheats are allowed to compete. Clean and natural athletes please stay away.

That is why I am so skeptical regarding Florence Joyner Griffiths world records that are still standing after more than 35 years. That was really humanly impossible. And also, Micheal Phelp's massive haul of medals in the Olympics among others.

The world of sports is so tainted today that it boggles the mind. They even go to the extent of inventing new drugs that have not been on the list of banned substances just to overcome the testing, where such new drugs are not those that they are trying to detect. And perhaps they knew of such loopholes and how to play the game.

Using a thief to catch a thief is the order of the day for the United States Anti-Doping Association. So that means the original thief gets away with exemption or immunity. Really absurd and beyond belief. Exceptionalism has just been revealed to have taken on a whole new meaning.


1 comment:

  1. Perhaps WADA could initiate another Olympics for those tested positive for drugs and let them compete separately, since they are so keen to win medals by cheating. I am sure there is going to be a big surprise as many will qualify.

    You see, when cheating becomes legalized, the swamp will get more crowded. Call it 'Purple Olympics' would be fine, as most people knows what it is. After all, we have 'Para-Olympics' to cater to a different category of competitors.

    In this way, no one needs to be banned. No pot calling the kettle black. Alls well, that ends well!
