
Peacocks strut their feathers only to attract peahens, nobody else benefits

India, the great superpower pretender, is trying to hijack the Global South to follow its lead. What has India got to offer the Global South countries? Investments? Infrastructure developments? Bollywood movies? Banana leaves? India should put its house in order before trying to wear big shoes that does not fit its small feet.

Doctors on strike in India are asking the Government to bring the rape and murder culprit to justice. Is that a very difficult task to fulfill? But the Indian Government just did nothing, like the situation in Manipur. Modi is too busy brushing up his deflated ego suffered during the last election.

Li Qiang is in Russia, visiting Putin and talking trade and co-operation. Modi has to do one up on him by visiting Poland and Ukraine. Different leaders displaying different loyalties, looking at different priorities and serving different objectives. Modi is staring into a black hole when Zelensky opens his big mouth asking for alms.

Presumably, India is trying to sabotage BRICS, towards which the Global South countries are gravitating to, and now trying to play the leader that the Global South is to follow instead. This is probably taken from the Indian Playbook, where companies investing in India eventually ended up being taken over by Indian conglomerates. Unfortunately, that leadership role in BRICS is not India's part to play by any stretch of the imagination and it has therefore to do it under the table or by stealth. What benefits did India bring to BRICS so far? Obstruction, jealousy and veiled sabotage. 



  1. Modi is trying to broker a peace deal in Ukraine to shore up his standing. Zelensky is claiming that the attack on Kursk is to force Russia to come to a peace deal on Ukraine's terms. What kind of a joke is he trying to pull?

    Zelensky is taking a leaf from the USA playbook, antagonizing China just before negotiations to project a position of strength in order to gain an advantage. China knows the game well enough in Anchorage, Alaska and pushed back.

    So, Zelensky is following the modus operandi of the USA by attacking Kursk, to force Russia to talk peace on its terms? He must be sleeping under a rock. Russia is not giving up territory after two years of fighting to let NATO expand towards its border. This is Putin's 'Red Line'. This is the 'Red Line' that Putin is fighting for. Putin needs to maintain a buffer zone against NATO expansion and Ukraine is his buffer zone. Either that remains or he will burn Ukraine into the ground and become a wasteland.

    Putin is a tad too soft and civilize not to engage in carpet bombing of Kyiv to end it once and for all.

  2. Putin is still harbouring his wishes and is still a White to be in European Union and their Community.

    Also Urukiane is also previously part of the Soviet Union and had soft spot for them.

    The Whites would never ever wanted to kill and maimed their own like they did to the coloured peoples.

    That's why Xi is also very cautious in his dealings with Putin.

    No choice but to in a way supported Russia to delay the UAss's Agenda to contain and have wars with China.

    Russia also ever grabbed China's Land.

    Xi dont want to have binding pacts with Russia as Chinese knew that today's friend could be your enemy tomorrow.

    Even China is aware of the Chamelon North Korea.

    But to protect their interests and borders China had to be friendly with them Russia and China as buffers against the UAss and the Euro Nuts imperialism.

  3. Western Europeans always treat the Russians as pariahs, not Europeans. So to instigate the Slavs in Ukraine to kill the Slavs in Russia is a piece of cake. No need to feel guilty about it. And the Americans and the Europeans are coveting the large Russian land mass and its resources for free, like stealing North America from the native Americans.

  4. How long the relations between Russia and China can last is immaterial. What is material is the dismantling of the USA hegemony by acting together and creating a multipolar world without the USA dictating to the rest of the world. If BRICS can succeed in its de-dollarizing campaign, which it must, that is all that the world is looking for.
