
Next China is still China. MAGA is turning into a joke

 Trying to lure manufacturing back to the USA is as good as flogging a dead horse. It is over and just trying to re-industrialize the USA is no longer an option. China will be around, and many are saying the next China will still be China, not the USA or India.

The USA has to live with it or shoot its own foot trying to counter China. There are so many issues working against the USA. China has all the scientists, engineers and skilled workers, control of raw materials, well developed logistics and hardworking and innovative people leading the way. The USA is led by clowns and charlatans. Good for making loud speeches and promises that were never fulfilled. Make America Great Again had turned into a joke.

With skilled labor deserting the USA, raw materials in the hands of Chinese, refining logistics controlled by China, cheap energy available to China, what can the USA produce to compete with China? No amount of tariff increases, or banning is going to stop China doing business with the Global South countries. The African market alone is much bigger than USA and Europe combined. Poor as it is like China before but given another decade or two and we will see Africa rising in importance as a consumer market. The West can write off Africa like they wrote off China three decades ago, at their own peril.



  1. Selling to the Global South is just as good as selling to the USA and the EU, without the tariffs. China will lose nothing and gain nothing from those escalated tariffs while USA and European consumers are being punished with expensive consumer products with the tariffs added in.

    All those tariffs are being dictated by the ICE vehicle manufacturing lobby, to protect their shrinking turf against EVs. To cater to this form of corruption, the USA voters have to suffer the consequences. Both parties are trying to play the same game, as they are beholden to campaign donations one way or another and have to uphold their promises. Failure to do so means the donations go the other way.

    Did the trade war of so many years made the USA great? Four years of MAGA is a joke when after that someone else takes over. There is no continuity to making USA great again.

  2. But India chooses to differ. In what way, I do not know. India proclaimed its superpower ambitions long ago. India wants to be the next factory of the world.

    India is following the USA's dictate blindfolded, not knowing the USA is acting blind and shooting its own feet on many occasions.

  3. A few big economies are joining BRICS. Among them are Mexico and Indonesia, two economies that are more than a trillion and as big as some in the G7. With about 42 countries joining BRICS, this is only to dwarf the GDP of the G7.

    What is even more important is that those joining are resource-rich countries, in energy, raw materials and some are fast growing economies like Mexico.

    The MSM appears to have been stunned into silence, not knowing what to make of the evolving geopolitical situation.

  4. Any leader visiting Washington, London, Paris, Munich, Tokyo, Delhi, Manila?
