
Modi's IMEC vanishing in mid air

 The Indians swallowed Biden's India/Middle East/Europe Corridor hype - line, hook and sinker. Now Biden is history. And the India/Middle East/Corridor is history as well.

I do not think Trump, if he wins, is interested in such nonsense. Trump is all about USA first and Make American Even Greater now. This is his version two castle building on steroid.

For all we know, Trump may even lose his pants, with all the propaganda against him surfacing. That assassination attempt was supposed to improve his chances, but it seems nothing of the sort is happening.

If Kamala Harris wins, Indians in India will be making a song and dance again as they did with Rishi Sunak years ago. Will Harris make India Great Again. Oh, sorry, India is already great according to the Indians themselves.

Fancy Modi asking the new caretaker Prime Minster of Bangladesh to protect Hindus in Bangladesh, a country with 91% Islamist. Bangladesh caretaker PM should likewise ask Modi to protect Muslims in India.


1 comment:

  1. Biden, when he initiated all those projects must already be suffering from hallucinations, just spouting nonsense whatever enters his mind. With all the so-called top advisers at his disposal, no one tells him about the dangers of shooting the USA's own feet.

    That is the beauty, or ugliness, of USA politics. With all the shouting about being best in everything, but when it comes to strategy, nothing works. How could the USA be said to be leading others, when it is itself totally blind as a bat. And worst of all, allies are not pointing out its errors and just following its dictates that is leading them into the gutters. See no further than Europe.

    I really am stunned by the European foolishness being lectured right in the face by African leaders and having no answer to rebut or respond and looking on sheepishly. Why are Africans so brave to fight back, while Asians like Japanese and South Korean leaders remained quiet as a mouse despite being dragged over the coals. They only know how to threaten China and North Korea to no avail.

    Suffice to say, the bravery of Africans is something to be admired. This auger well for Africa to progress without restraints by the evil Satanic State and its cronies and affords Africa the capability to chart its own destiny like China.
