
Lowly Peacock exclude Heavenly Phoenix from Summit

India excludes China and Pakistan from Global South summit as New Delhi hosted the third edition of the virtual event last weekend, when more than 100 nations discussed common concerns .

New Delhi did not invite its neighbors China and Pakistan to attend the virtual Voice of the Global South summit last Saturday, Foreign Minister Subrahmanyam Jaishanakar has told the media. The event serves as a platform for countries in the Global South to discuss their common concerns and find solutions.

India, where rapes are rampant, has proclaimed itself as the leader of the Global South countries.

During a briefing with members of the press, Jaishankar confirmed on Sunday that India’s closest neighbors, China and Pakistan, had not been invited to take part in the virtual event despite them being a part of what is called the Global South. New Delhi has tense relations with both countries. 


PS. If it is not a virtual summit, virtual means not real, not more than 10 countries would attend. Without China, what kind of meeting was that? How many national leaders bother to make a visit to India? What can India offer?


  1. Peacocks strut their feathers only to attract peahens, nobody else benefits.

    India, the great superpower pretender, is trying to hijack the Global South to follow its lead. What has India got to offer the Global South countries? Investments? Infrastructure developments? Bollywood movies? Banana leaves? India should put its house in order before trying to wear big shoes that does not fit its small feet.

    Doctors on strike in India are asking the Government to bring the rape and murder culprit to justice. Is that a very difficult task to fulfill? But the Indian Government just did nothing, like the situation in Manipur. Modi is too busy brushing up his deflated ego suffered during the last election.

    Li Qiang is in Russia, visiting Putin and talking trade and co-operation. Modi has to do one up on him by visiting Poland and Ukraine. Different leaders displaying different loyalties, looking at different priorities and serving different objectives. Modi is staring into a black hole when Zelensky opens his big mouth asking for alms.

    Presumably, India is trying to sabotage BRICS, towards which the Global South countries are gravitating to, and now trying to play the leader that the Global South is to follow instead. This is probably taken from the Indian Playbook, where companies investing in India eventually ended up being taken over by Indian conglomerates. Unfortunately, that leadership role in BRICS is not India's part to play by any stretch of the imagination and it has therefore to do it under the table or by stealth. What benefits did India bring to BRICS so far? Obstruction, jealousy and veiled sabotage.

  2. India proclaims lots of things. It is the next superpower, the next factory of the world and will overtake China eventually. Being ranked fifth in terms of GDP, India still has a lot to do to fulfill its wet dream.

    Will three decades be sufficient enough for India, like what China did? In my humble opinion, even five decades is quite an impossibility. The way things are moving in India, it may even take a hundred years. And that is assuming other countries are not rising or moving forward faster.

  3. Why need to highlight the fact that China and Pakistan were not invited? Are China and Pakistan crying aloud for not being invited? They are just brushing aside the clown show, as they have more important things to do.
