
India thinking of allowing more Chinese investments?

 Can you try to figure out what the Indian double talk is all about? After all the fabricated charges against Chinese companies costing hundreds of millions of fines and driving Chinese businesses out of India, India, instead of bending backwards to 'lure' more stupid Chinese companies to put their money in India, to be fleeced again, are asking whether they should invite Chinese investments? And what was India's fear of Chinese investments in India? Predatory Chinese practices! 

What, what? Say that again? Who is practising predatory practices that are driving away Chinese and foreign investors from India? Drumming up fabricated charges of tax evasion, amending laws to be applied retrospectively to rob the Chinese companies are not predatory practices? Forcing Chinese companies to sell majority stakes to Indian companies at fire sale prices not predatory practices? Insisting that companies appoint Indians to head all the departments are not predatory practices?

I would be damn if there are still silly Chinese companies wanting to invest in India. If they do, let them be cursed and be robbed and fleeced by the Indians and have no pity or sympathy on them. If they choose to be stupid, to be willing suckers, not wanting to learn from past mistakes, and still stupidly throwing good money into the black hole, they deserve to lose everything.

All Chinese investors, this is a warning to every one of you. You can choose to be silly and stupid to throw good money into India to be robbed. If it is your own money, good for you. If you are investing OPM, please do not do so. The money would be gone, stolen, robbed, cheated before you know what is happening.

Good riddance! Indian predatory practices are unmatched in the world and only successful because there are willing suckers and stupid investors willing to be sucked in, stupidly believing in the Indians and thinking they could outsmart the Indians.

The only way to do business with the Indians is to make your goods outside of India, sell to them on a pay up front basis. If this is too difficult to understand, blame your own stupidity. Ask if there is any company that makes money from their investments in India. If they said yes, they are lying. The best they could say is long term investment, probably would never see the return of their money for generations to come.


  1. Who made the decision for Singapore to appoint an Indian from India ro be the CEO of Singapore national bank DBS.What benefit has he brought to Singapore? DBS has been a well managed and profitable bank every year since its founding in 1968. We had two prominent Singaporean Indians serving as DBS CEO in the past and we had no problem with them. In fact we were proud of Dhanabalan and Govinath Pillay and Singapore was proud and thankful to them for their dedication and honourable service to Singapore.
    But out of the blue we had an Indian chief from India to be the CEO of DBS. All we can remember are outrageous happenings in DBS when the Indian chief was CEO of DBS. First he hijacked POSB which was the pride of Singaporeans into DBS and caused all POSB depositors to lose out without any compenstion. Under his so-called leadership he filled up eight important DBS departments with his fellow native Indians and all with very high salary. Next under his leadership DBS was flooded with so -called IT experts from India. What was the result? There were frequent digital faults and breakdown in service. For this the Indian CEO from India should have been shown the exit door long ago. No, he continued to be CEO of DBS for the next 15 years collecting an annual salary of 12 to 15 million dollars. And in addition to the salary he was given performance bonuses as well as perts rewards with DBS bonus shares.
    Next there was the disastrous blunder of DBS buying over a bankrupt Indian bank which is a financial sinkhole for DBS to lose billions of dollars with no end in sight.

    How can Singapore made such great financial blunder? Don't tell us DBS share has gone sky high. It is due to manipulation to benefit the self-interests in-charge concerned. As such DBS share can also dive to rock bottom to the depth of the ocean one day. It had happened in the past.

    All we know is that the Indian chief from India and his fellow Indian villagers who were recruited by him to work in DBS will go back to India with millions of do;;ars in their pockets as windfall which they have never even dare to dream of in their lives.

    Hope Singapore will have more wisdom and intelligence and will never make the same mistake again of employing foreigners as chiefs of their companies.
    Lee Tai Chong

    A proud but disillusioned Singaporean

  2. Under this Indian chief from India, hundreds of DBS depositors and clients lost hundreds of millions of dollars in American fraud bank Lehmen Brothers. This Indian chief should compensate the DBS depositors personally from his undeserved salary of millions of dollars.

  3. India has laid out a big trap to snare the Chinese investors. If any stupid Chinese still never learn and want to throw their hard earned money into India, please go to talk to Terry Guo of Foxconn. He knew he made a grave mistake the moment he stepped into India and quickly vamoosed and return to China.
    He is a smart Chinese from Taiwan. He wasted no time to get out, cutting losses. Not sure about the China Chinese.
    Many Chinese and non Chinese are stuck in India, unable to get out and pretending all is mind. Some even stupidly throw in more good money after bad money, hoping in the long run all will turn out well. This is wishful thinking of those suffering from Stupidity has no cure. They think they can outwit the Indians.
    Oops, it is not about outwitting but being cheated. The Indians can change their laws to rob the investors.

  4. Anyone thinking of investing in India must be out of his blinking mind. But if it is gambling with other people's money, no accountability, then it is ok. Cause nobody cares. No one is answerable for the money lost.

  5. Compare the performance of the two local banks headed by Singaporeans with that of DBS, relatively, they performed as good as DBS if not better, and without the backing of the government. And they did not have the same IT problems or outages as DBS.

    What does that said of local banking talents?

  6. Why DBS can made their billions?

    It's because no need really canvass for businesses lah!

    It's the Sillyporeans who kept must be beat their neighbours to have more than one property especially the Condoms to rent out thinking that they are getting the rentals incomes to pay for their assets!

    Thinking that MOT wow be fully paid and ho seh liao!

    Most jumped to the band wagons and took loans from the Banks especially DBS.

    So they are paying lots of loans monies with interests to the Banks.

    Also the Credit Cards interests when holders spent and spent and kept paying the interests rollovers.

    Thinking that good times and jobs are secure forever and when disasters strikes, aiyo yo best of luck to them.

    Most with at least minumim 10 years.

    Wow so easy ah?

    Can tap to the unemployments scheme lah!

    No eyes see.

  7. Wondering if DBS India is making or losing money? Anyone got any news on this?

  8. https://www.ndtv.com/india-news/pm-narendra-modis-singapore-visit-to-bilateral-take-ties-to-an-entirely-new-level-foreign-ministry-6472135

    New Level.?

    More CECA Indians to Sinking Land.?

  9. Where on earth can you find willing suckers die die want to throw money to India? Modi's must have a very long list to ask for and will be happily satisfied.
