
How the US usurp the role of the UN to control countries in the use of nuclear technology

The US has 24 active 123 Agreements, including with countries such as China, India, Indonesia, Vietnam and the Philippines.

The agreements have to include nine non-proliferation criteria set out in Section 123 to guarantee that the partner countries use any information gained for peaceful purposes.

For example, nuclear materials must be physically secured and cannot be enriched, reprocessed or transferred without consent from the US. 

Countries must also abide by the International Atomic Energy Agency’s standards on the use and security of nuclear material.

The Department of State’s website said such agreements set the foundation for collaboration with the US on nuclear energy as well as related educational and technological transfers.

A 123 Agreement with the US also allows Singapore to work with other countries that use nuclear technology originating in the US. 

“This will allow us to work more closely with US institutions, as well as civil nuclear entities in other countries,” the Ministry of Sustainability and the Environment (MSE) and the Ministry of Trade and Industry (MTI) said in a factsheet.  CNA

The above explains why the USA is the self appointed controller of nuclear energy development and usage in the world, not the UN. Countries wanting to engage in nuclear energy and related matters must signed an agreement with the US to be given the authority to proceed. Without the US consent, no country can engage in the use of nuclear energy and development or be ostracised and sanctioned for doing so.

Why is the USA the authority on this and not the UN? Why is a country, infamous for using nuclear weapons against Japan, killing hundreds of thousands of innocent civilians, and everyday threatening to use nuclear weapons to nuke other countries be allowed to control who can or cannot engage in nuclear energy development? The obvious consequence of this usurpation of the role of the UN is that the US could decide only its friends can engage in nuclear energy development, including building nuclear weapons but its enemies are barred from doing so. The US can legally authorised the spread of nuclear weapons and technology as it pleased to its allies and crony states but obstruct others from doing so.

This role of the US must be withdrawn and given to the UN or a neutral party, not the world's number one terrorist state, the USA.


  1. Every world body is controlled by money or big support contribution. The USA is the biggest contributor towards the budget of the UN and WHO among others, and the biggest tool used by the USA to control them.

    Money talks and bullshit walks.

    1. Dedollarise and this will all end.

  2. Not just the UN. The Paris Olympics just concluded, and we know even WADA is under their control, or should I say have no jurisdiction over drug use by USA athletes.
