
Golan Heights attack a false flag incident

 Israel is screaming for revenge after the attack on Golan Heights. 12 young boys were dead and 30 injured. Israel vows an all out war against the Hezbollah.

The Hezbollah have been attacking Israeli positions since the Israelis started the genocide in Gaza. The Hezbollah have never denied their attacks on Israeli positions There was nothing to hide about their attacks. In fact it is an honourable thing for the Hezbollah to attack the Israeli positions in defence of their Palestinian brothers and sisters. Now, why would the Hezbollah be denying their involvement in this attack on Golan Heights?

The young boys playing football in Golan Heights are now found to be Arabs or Palestinians, NOT Israelis. Does this smell like a rat?  Could this be a false flag incident committed by the Israelis to be used to start an all out war against Lebanon? Why would the Israelis be incensed over the killings of Arab boys? Isn't this is what they want? Why would they want to go for an all out war with Lebanon over the death of Arab boys?

Nethanyahu is desperate for a victory, desperate to spread the war to the neighbouring Arab states. His dream of a greater Israel is the only thing that keeps the war going and the Jews behind him. An all out war against Lebanon is what Nethanyahu wanted. His trip to the US is not so simple as speaking in Congress. His agenda must be to ask the Americans for full support in his war against Lebanon, and to drag America into the quagmire, in a prolong and forever war until all the lands the Jews claimed were theirs are seized from the Arab states. With the Israelis mounting an all out offensive, it is apparent that the Americans have agreed to Nethanyahu's plan to invade Lebanon, with full military and weapon support.

And bombing the Arab/Palestinian boys in Golan Heights would be the perfect excuse that Nethanyahu needs. No Israelis were killed in the incident. A perfect false flag incident that did not cause the loss of lives of any Israelis. The Hezbollah would not be hitting Arab/Palestinians in the Golan Heights. So, who bombed and killed the Arab boys and put the blame on the Hezbollah? It is like killing two birds with one stone. Killing Arab boys and accusing the Hezbollah for it...and a very good reason to invade Lebanon, like the Tonkin Incident that justified the invasion of Vietnam by the Americans.


  1. Hitler didn't finish his job.

  2. Agree. Hitler knew what is evil and tried his best to get rid of evil.

  3. The assassination of a top Hamas leader on Iranian soil is going to escalate the conflict in the Middle East for sure. Iran will retaliate. Iran's top leader already gave the go ahead for that.

    Killing a top Hamas leader in Iran is provocation of the highest order. The retaliation by Iran will undoubtedly be massive and Israel is in deep trouble. That retaliation by Iran recently over the assassination of its military leaders in Syria will be just a slap on the wrist by comparison. This retaliation is going to be really detrimental for Israel. Can the Israeli population stomach the pains of an all-out war and missiles raining all across the country?

    The USA is denying its involvement in the assassination. The Iranians are not going to buy that. Iran's recent statement that it is reviewing its non-nuclear weapons stand because of religious constraints is making the USA and Israel nervous and paranoid. Analyst even suggest that Iran can have the nuke within weeks, which is even more telling and a good reason for the USA and Israel to light the fuse of war breaking out between Iran and Israel. Starting a war with Iran is the only way to put a stop to Irans's new nuclear ambition, if they can succeed. Is it a bet worth taking?

    What is going to happen? Iran will retaliate and that is for sure. Hezbollah will step up its bombardment of the Golan Heights. The Houthis will not just be targeting Eilat with missiles. And in Gaza we can expect heavy fighting to resume with more civilian casualties, now standing at 40,000.

    And one unknown factor is whether Russia will step in now and whether Iran already have nukes now or will be given help by Russia.

  4. CNA kept showing that Blinking Idiot Blinken Blinking all the while with lies that even a three year old can see clearly.

    Go Ran aka Goland Hts belonged to the Syrians and the boys killed are not Israelis.

    Just before they the Scoundrols occupied this land does not meant that they are owners of this land.

    Arabs and Syrians killed. Where in the World the Arabs killed their own?

    It's the evil deeds by the Americunts and the Israelis and they kept pointing figures at others.

  5. The success in the assassination of another Arab leader shows that either Mossad is very successful in penetrating the Arab and Muslim organisations or the Arabs and Muslims have a lot of traitors working for Mossad.

    It also shows that the Arab and Muslim world still has a long time to break free from the control of the Americans and the Jews. The enemies within are very difficult to defend against.

  6. American and western states are calling all their citizens to leave Lebanon. The stage is set for an American and Jewish invasion to take over this piece of land as part of the Greater Israel Plan.

    Next target likely to be Iran. The American warships are all in place for a major invasion of Iran. When Iran falls, all the Arab and Muslim countries would line up to be part of the Great Israel state.
