
Do your part China...to stop the American terrorists

 So many real stupid beans by the millions allowed just a small group of scoundrels to manipulate them to their Deaths of these Scums self interests of their wealth and prestige.

Latest George Galloway's talk show of sheep been lead to the slaughters.

Also China why wanted to be a Super Power when she do not want to be lead and protect the weaker Nations from being bullied by the Western Barbarians and Savages?

She should be more Pro Active to intervene in the ravages and slaughtering of the weak from the Western Savages Countries.

Not thinking of only uplifting her own from poverty and wealth.

Now considered as had Arrived and must take strong actions in reforming the World's Order.

Weak and poor Countries would then have the confidence in China and shall able to resist the Western Barabians.

Now, just kept mum had Russia to be their Hatchet Man alone to fight their Savages.

Do your part China!



  1. Good morning Mr RB and All

    Since you had left the IMF aka I M Finished and the Loan Sharks World Bank, set up ONE for the World's developing nations to assist in their developments.

    Also REFORM the U.N. now aka United Nonsense and aim to have one of your Top Diplomat to be the Secretary General.

    Am sure the Global South Countries would support you.

    Have a REAL U.N. Peace Keeping Force with the bulk from the PRCs.

    Also have those from the Netural and Other Countries besides the White Savages to form the main bulk of the Force.

    Indonesia would gladly send theirs with many other Muslim Countries like Malaysia etc.

    Sinkeland can also join to carry refreshments for the Fighting Men and Women and also collect dead bodies in the Bodies Bags.

    Forget the balless M.E. Traitors Own Brothers and Sisters Hoods Countries that are Sub Servient to the White Barbarains.

    Any conflicts by the White Barbarians the REAL U.N Peace Keeping Force shall move in to stop the Genocide and Slaughter and the Bullying Invasion of the weak Countries.

    African Countries would also be glad to be in the Peace Keeping Force to beat the daylights out of these White Scoundrels especially the Americunts who are the Main Aggressors of the Planet.

    Many had bones to whack the HELL out of these White Mentally Retarded and Sick Anglo Saxons and their kind.

    Elect Wang Yi or that Alsaka One that screwed that Blinking Idiot to silent to be the Secretary General of the REFORMED United Nations.

    Do away with the Security Council VETO Powers.

    It's a Joke.


  2. Oops Forgot the North Koreans who are daring to go as kept too long awaiting for this opportunity to slaughter the Whites Savages.

    Go go Kim,

    Time to release your steam and frustrations.

    Been sanctioned for too long.


    The U.N.!

    For too long under the Balls of the Whites.

  4. Looks like a Virgo49 monologue!!
