
China should blacklist main media, journalists and reporters that regularly published biased news to slander China

 The American media, western media and main media of American colonies and cronies, have consistently published biased news to attack and slander China, some on a daily basis. Some did it voluntarily, some being coerced to do it, some being paid by the Americans to do it. Whatever, it violates the principles of the news reporting profession to report fair, factual and unbiased news, to inform and educate the readers, not to slant, lie, misinform or disinform the readers.

The Americans have an official budget of US$1.5b to be used over 5 years to pay journalists, reporters, fake analysts and fake scholars to fabricate lies and negative news about China. This is not journalism, not news reporting. This is a crime to mislead, to misinform, to lie using the main media. The reputation and integrity of many main media have been discredited as a result and their editors, journalists and reporters should be charged in court for slander and crime for lying and cheating their readers.

The wilful and shameful behaviour of many main media are all out there, printed in black and white, for all to see, evidence of their crimes for lying and fabricating fake and negative news, dishonesty and mischief.

China should not take this quietly without protest and let the crimes continue daily to demonise and slander China. China can ban such media from circulating in China, blacklist and ban the reporters and journalists from entering China, and even sanction the countries of these media.

News reporting must be fair and factual. Opinion pieces are allowed but when a pattern is developed, when the intent is clear and mischievous, then it must be stopped. Main media should not be allowed to behave like some rogue social media with mischievous agenda. Main media are often a nation's mouth piece and represent the position of the nation concerned. They must be held accountable for their misbehaviour.


  1. The sickest country on earth had already brainwashed their hillbilly population through the mainstream media. Now they're expanding overseas but only their lapdogs will buy it.

  2. https://youtu.be/vYL1Xf6Tctg?si=SM35wU7PZG53OoqR

    Hello Xi learnt another tactic from LKY of the above.

    Restricted their sales of circulations and banned their articles.

    Warrants served any journalists and parrots UAss and the Euro Nuts Savages shall be arrested in any country that has extraditions agreements with China.

    See whether they dared to travel outside and still demoinse China.

    That's included CNA aka Channel News America.

    LKY turning in his grave or urn that he once proudly announced that now we had a News for ASIA and the boneless spines that came after him bowed to the Whites and licked their balls.

    Sad sad indeed.

    Now still looking to the G Strings 7 or 20 ah?

    Jap PM alreday kaput with all these socalled Corrupted DemoCrazy and now also unable to join BRICs .

    Die cocks standing!

  3. The American and western media have one narrative, demonise and attack China, Russia, Iran etc etc, paint them black, as terrorists, warmongers, their economies collapsing, they are going to invade the world, they are the bad guys.
    The truth, it is the Americans and the West that are the terrorists, the warmongers, the troublemakers and wanting to invade and conquer the world.
    Their media are all about agitation, provocations, spreading lies and hate, fear, threats etc etc.

  4. CNA also . . .
