
China opens up, inviting visitors to Xinjiang to hunt for concentration camps

 The USA's propaganda machine had been so successful in selling its snake oil, that the people are totally dumbed down and brain-dead after decades of brain-washing and unable to discern fact from fiction. Democracy triumphing Communism, that hyped-up propaganda has been destroyed and put to rest. No way can that fact be hidden.

China made a real game changing move by offering free visa travel to China for foreign visitors from selected countries, which had been very innovatively done to counter the lies of the MSM about China, and particularly Xinjiang. Today, on social media, we can find numerous vloggers who had the opportunity to visit China, putting up personal experience videos showing the real China that they encountered. They were shocked to see the reality as against the lies generated by the USA MSM and the Government.

Of course, to belittle the credibility of those vloggers, the pro-USA shrills are trying to deflect the damage being done by asking those vloggers the template question as to how much they are being paid by the CCP. If what these vloggers are telling everyone is not true, asking more foreign visitors to go to China to see for themselves will destroy their reputation for good? Isn't that silly?

Moreover, to do damage control, the somebody in the USA Government had at one stage floated the idea about banning its citizens from visiting China for fear of letting the cat out of the bag. Now, the cat is really out of the bag and Xinjiang is out in the open for all to see and even enjoy visiting. Foreign visitors, intrigued by the lies, are in fact searching for those imaginary concentration camps that were reported, but found instead well built-up mosques, city centers, train stations and happy people living in harmony. Those foreign visitors were shocked and awed.

Yes, let the USA people believe in whatever they want, while others move forward happily. By the way, it has now been reported that money is not the only criteria for happiness, as many poor Asian countries in the Himalayan region are really happy and contented with their lives, despite missing all the high-tech toys, lavish lifestyles and moral decay like sex, drugs and alcohol that only money can bring about. Think about it as well!


1 comment:

  1. It now dawns that the USA rosy jobs report over the last year were all faked. 818,000 jobs vanished from those glorified job creation reports released earlier, or about 30% less jobs actually created than reported. This is now being revealed to justify a rate cut in September. A narrative is needed to give credence to the new stance of having a rate cut. The USA has horned this kind of situation into an art form, to tailor the narrative to suit its needs.

    With big retailers closing down or shutting outlets throughout the USA, job creation could not be realistic. It was all a mirage. And the real shock will come after the November elections, when all those sanctions and tariffs against China are going to decimate more businesses. These are all not being truthfully reported as yet.
