
China only knows how to complain but afraid to act

 BEIJING: China's Coast Guard said a Philippine vessel that had ignored its repeated warnings "deliberately collided" with a Chinese vessel in an "unprofessional and dangerous" manner, according to statements on Monday (Aug 19).

In one of the statements, China's maritime security said the same Philippine vessel then entered waters near Second Thomas Shoal after being prevented from entering Sabina Shoal waters.

Two Philippine Coast Guard vessels "illegally intruded" into waters adjacent to Sabina Shoal without permission in the early hours on Monday, according to the China Coast Guard spokesperson Gan Yu.

"The Philippines has repeatedly provoked and caused trouble, violated the temporary arrangements between China and the Philippines," Gan said, referring to the Philippines' supply missions to a vessel grounded on Second Thomas Shoal.

China's Coast Guard said it took control measures against the Philippine ships in accordance with the law in the incidents early Monday, and warned the Philippines to "immediately stop infringement and provocation" or "bear all consequences".  CNA

When would China ever learn? As long as China chooses to behave like a meek state, everytime got poked, only knows how to kpkb, but afraid to kick the provocateur, China would forever be bullied by the Mickey Mouse. And the Mickey Mouse would only get emboldened and become more provocative. That is exactly what the Pinoys are doing, knowing that China is a toothless dragon, breathing fire and that is about it. All the Asean states also know this.

China must stop its stupidity and start kicking asses. If not, it is only inviting more trouble to itself, like what the Japanese told the Chinese during the Qing Dynasty, 'weakness is an invitation for war'. Is this so difficult to learn? There are so many ways to skin a cat, to skin the Mickey Mouse, without going to war. Just block off the access to the sunken wreck or entry to the lagoon in the Sabina Shoal, or start filling up the reefs, to prevent the intruder from getting out. Put enough coast guard ships or PLAN warships to whack the daylight out of the violators if they dare to go violent. This is your island, or this is Pinoy island?

The sunken wreck and Pinoy Coast Guard ships in Sabina Shoal are not there by accident. They are there to occupy Chinese islands, to make claims on Chinese territories. The sailors in them are occupation forces. Where is China allowing the Pinoys to resupply and feed these invaders of Chinese islands? Is China helping the invaders to take over their islands?

Everyday crying father and mother is a very shameful behaviour for a superpower unable to deal with a little Mickey Mouse with a little prick dangling to prove its manhood. Stop complaining and do something.

Start acting as a superpower and mean business and be respected. Stop being a cry baby. The world, especially the Mickey Mouse, would not respect meekness. Whether China likes it or not, act or not to act, the Asean countries are split, some pro China, some anti China no matter what. They would not change their positions. Some are happy sleeping with the Americans and would not be on China's side. The weaker China appears to be, the more they would lean towards the American terrorists and gangsters.


  1. The Americans will continue to use the Pinoys to provoke China. And everyone is watching how China reacts to the Pinoys. Other than the white European states, the Philippines is the only non white state left to want to play this role.
    It is time for China to use the slaughtering chicken to frighten the monkey stratey on the Pinoys. 杀鸡吓猴。

  2. China can only win more friends if it proves itself to be able to take on the American terrorists and not be bullied by the Americans, able to protect weaker countries from American bullying.
    Many small countries are still staying close to the Americans, including Arab and Muslim countries, because they have no choice. They are afraid of becoming another Syria, Iraq or Libya, or Iran, Venezuela, Cuba....
    Only a strong China can give them confidence to break away from the clutches of the evil Americans.

  3. China needs help from Red Dot. Red Dot will shoot first then ask questions. The internet is abuzz, telling everybody that Red Dot is the strongest military in ASEAN.

    But Red Dot is on the side of the Philippines, as both are cronies of the USA. So how?

  4. When no countries want to visit the Philippines, especially Asean countries, nothing meaningful, Singapore was ordered by the its masters to pay a visit to the Philippines to let it feel that it is still relevant to Asean, that it is still remember as a state of Asean.
    Who in Asean cares about the Philippines when it does not have any value to the other Asean state except maids.
