
Cheating, like purple faces, can be explained away...but still cheating

 Soon we will have experts engaged to tell everyone that 'turning purple' has nothing to do with performance. And so, the circus will keep on performing while the spectators just enjoying the foolishness, which is the Olympics.

Just dump the Olympics and all other world bodies beholden to the Anglo-Saxon Whites. BRICS must start their own formation of such bodies. I am heartened that BRICS has now started its own 'energy exchange' and 'metals exchange' and setting its own pricing and away from the US$. It may be a slow start, but perseverance wins the day.

BRICS countries control the energy and metals sectors by and large, the most important for industrialization, and moving away from the control of London or New York is good for their members.

Russia, Saudi Arabia, UAE, Iran and several African oil producers are all in BRICS. African countries, including Brazil, are global sources of essential metals for global industries. Therefore, the global trade in them is no small potato and will be detrimental to the US$ not playing a part. The USA and the West can ignore the writing on the wall, but they will panic when the shit hits the fan. Just like ignoring China's rise and concentrating on fighting terrorism, thinking that the Chinese are just to donkeymen to be pushed around, being identified as just good for working as cooks and laundrymen.

Now, the USA and the West are trying desperately to contain China's rise, an exercise in futility when the Chinese are now in control of global manufacturing and all the resources needed for industrialization.

Trying to lure back manufacturing to the USA is hitting a wall without the raw materials now in the hands of the Chinese. Building up infrastructures now is too little too late and producing products too expensive to compete with China is a fool's endeavor. Trying to win a battle when the war is already lost is what the USA and the West are struggling to do.



  1. The USA swimmers were probably shy of so much winning, knowing they are all drug cheats. They were just blushing with purple faces. A new kind of blush that will be explained away soon enough.

    Come 2028, the cheating will probably just continue in Los Angeles. And they are talking of banning China, in which case no drugs will be needed. See, they are coming clean to show the world that they can still be number 1 without cheating and China spoiling the show.

  2. The USA was also not shy of so much winning in the trade war against China. There were no purple faces. Perhaps I know why. Trade Wars are easy to win, and cheating is unnecessary. Right Donald?
