
Bangladesh PM victim of American terrorists. Who is next in South and Southeast Asia to be removed?

 Bangladesh just succumbed to a regime change orchestrated by the USA and the West. The former PM, Sheikh Hasina, said that in no uncertain terms. The narrative being invented was that the regime change was orchestrated by student protestors. Of course, students instigated by the USA supported NGOs and the CIA undertaking the job of underwriting them.

This Bangladesh caretaker PM is a stooge, having lived in France, after escaping prosecution for fraud. The West will always afford their stooge a safe abode until the situation is ripe for them to take over the Government of the country they targeted. The fact that he was acquitted of graft by withdrawal of the charges, just days after he was sworn in as interim PM speaks volumes of how complaint is the judiciary system towards the perpetrators of the regime change. Everything had been perfectly coordinated and greased to work in tandem.

For years Bangladesh had been targeted for a regime change, using debt traps set by the IMF and the CIA and USA funded NGOs working the ground. Regime changes are being targeted in many South Asian countries, with Pakistan already fallen and now Bangladesh too. Next will be Sri Lanka. Poverty is the most fertile ground for regime changing activities to work, as people are easily bought over to go against the legitimate Government.

Bangladesh is one of the favorite investment destinations for Chinese companies, especially in low tech industries like textiles. As a result, Bangladesh, which had been seen as moving too close to China and needs to be pry apart, just like Pakistan under PM Imran Khan. The USA had eyes also on regime changes in Vietnam, Thailand and Myanmar all tightly controlled by their military and not that easy to instigate.

What we are seeing in Thailand today is regime changing tactics that failed, but the funding and instigation is ongoing. The USA and the West wants to get rid of the Thai Monarchy, the unifying force of many coups. Getting rid of the Monarchy makes the USA and the West's agenda for a regime change that much easier to accomplish with the unifying force gone. The Thais know that for a fact and wants to get rid of USA funded NGOs creating chaos. The Thais Government is enacting a law requiring NGOs operating in Thailand to disclose their funding sources, which will thwart the nefarious activities of the USA funded NGOs for good. And of course, the USA and the West are up in arms over it. 


PS. NGO and CIA operators are terrorists and must be arrested on sight.

1 comment:

  1. On the surface NGOs are all angelic entities, set up to provide help to the poor and downtrodden. Why did the USA want to help humankind, when throughout the centuries, the Anglo-Saxon colonizers were intent on keeping the colored people they colonized, backward, poor and easy to control. Is the USA really that humanistic, funding all those NGOs and wanting nothing in return?

    The Pilgrims that landed in America were also angelic, with promoting Christianity to Native American Indians supposed to be their main objective. Beneath that angelic religious piety lies a sinister motive. Taking the land of the Native Indians in exchange for the Bible turns out to be their pre-occupation.

    What did the Native American Indians gain from religion? What did they lose forever in exchange? The lost their land and have to live in concentration camps to prevent them from threatening the Whites, on the pretext of protecting them.

    Abraham Lincoln was said to be the much-admired President that abolished Black slavery. Digging deeper into the act reveals a more sinister motive. The Confederates needed more manpower enlistment to fight the civil war against the North, the Union, and the purpose of ending slavery was to enable the Confederates to gather the enlistment of the Blacks to fight in the war. Slaves do not fight in a war when they have no interest in the land and also, they belong to someone, their master.

    However, after the civil war ended, it was reported that the Blacks suffered even worse treatment by the Whites. If Black slavery already ended and they have rights, what other rights was Martin Luther King fighting for? Black rights are also basically human rights. So, does ending slavery really gave the Blacks their rights? Think about it!
