
50% Americans did not have $400 to spare but came up tops as having most money left to spend?

 Some of the 90% are living on the streets, some holding two to three jobs to put food on the table and afford a roof over their heads. Holding two jobs is considered job creation, a rosy claim. Are these people really rich?

A propaganda video ranking people in countries around the world having most money left over to spend after all the necessities were taken care of, and the USA came out tops. This must be talking about the 1%, not the other 90%. For that perspective, there were many videos talking about people in the USA not having US$400 in their savings for emergencies. How are these people even considered rich in the richest country in the world?

Anyway, we all know that statistics lie all the time. It is just for us to separate the wheat from the chaff to get at the real facts. 



  1. The USA job creation mantra last year was a big lie when 818,000 jobs were reported to have been declared but just discovered to be nothing more than hot air. Were it not to support the narrative for a rate cut in September, the fake job statistics over the last year would not have been revealed.

    Now the narrative is about the weak job market and a rate cut is necessary to stimulate job creation. This is how the system works in the USA. They declared an objective and then invent the narrative to support it. The walking dead just swallows that as the gospel truth. Is there already a recession in the USA? Of course not, when they invent a different criterion to define a recession which can only apply to the USA.

  2. Don't believe what the UAssA and their lackeys reported and said.

    All propaganda and lies just to boost their images and economy.

    Hot Airs

    Their favourite phrase "We cheat. We lies we stole"

    Bums just waiting. for riots to loot.

    The Song Ah Long Ah Long should be Ah Loot Ah loot, you put in and we take it out.

    Kamala be shireking with laughters.

  3. All that shrieking about how great the USA job market had been the last one or two years has now suddenly become, in honesty, a con job. How could the job market be that great with all those widespread retail outlet closures and lacklustre push towards re-industrialization. Now that reality has hit and now been clearly revealed. It was all a mirage.

    But voters in the USA are not paying attention. All the attention has been focused on well-crafted speeches giving glorified performances boosting political egos. It is all a Hollywood make believe that will be swallowed line, hook and sinker by the walking dead.

    The same Hollywood blockbuster remake that will still appeal to the masses. The Fed is at the end of its tethers and no more rope is available for keeping interest rates unchanged which will crash the economy. There has therefore been a need to have a rate cut to save the job market. Whether it will work is still to be seen, but more like an exercise in futility. Working back towards cheap money to boost the economy and fund investments is not going to work if competitiveness is beyond its capability to overcome and address.

    The USA is in a position it has never been before according to Dr. Richard Wolff. The problems are daunting with debts unsolvable, more so with de-dollarization eating into the US$ Hegemony. While it had been able to sell its debts in the past to foreign buyers, it is not so today. So, issuing more treasuries is not going to work as there are fewer buyers of USA debts. So, it is left to domestic buyers to shoulder the burden - hedge funds, pension funds and banks. Any default is going to topple the house of cards, with citizens losing their pants or even underwear.
