
When would China stop being 亚 Q?

 Italy arrested a ship carrying Chinese drones to Libya. Why? This little bankrupt state, a member of the 8 states League of Nations that invaded China, still dared to bully China today. And Mickey Marcos is now adding 3 more Pinoy Coast Guard ships to the sole Coast Guard ship that has been inside a Chinese island, Xian Bin Jiao for 70 days. The Pinoys have been emboldened by China's inaction, taking it as a sign of meekness. Soon the 4 Coast Guard ships would be joined by hundreds of Pinoy fishing boats in the area, knowing that Ah Q would not dare to do anything.

Are the South China Sea islands Chinese islands? If they are Chinese islands, then why is China afraid to take action against trepassing ships, and knowing that the Pinoy ships are planning another Sierra Madre incident? Is China telling the Pinoys that the islands are not Chinese islands, or disputed islands?

If China chooses to behave like Ah Q, every little Mickey Mouse would think it is alright to grab Chinese islands as theirs, because Ah Q would be Ah Q, would make some noise and afraid to take actions to protect its own islands, its territorial sovereignty.

What happened to 有事不怕事?还是有事跑远远? China's problems in the South China Sea will be unending and will get more troublesome as long as it keeps behaving like Ah Q. This is the same as with Taiwan. When traitors are boldly standing up to want to break Taiwan from the Motherland, and China is hapless, unable to act, afraid to act, who to blame? Ah Q would always be bullied and kick around even by Mickey Mouse. When China was weak and poor, being Ah Q was a matter of no choice. China is now a super power, and with Russia and many countries willing to stand with China! Still want to be Ah Q?

This is also applicable to the Sino Indian border. The Indians read China as Ah Q, and Ah Q everyday trying to appease India, trying to talk nicely to India, even after its own soldiers were killed in cold blood by the marauding Indian mobs in uniforms. Even after Indians robbed Chinese companies in India by the billions with fabricated charges. And what did Ah Q do? Nothing. 

The Indians openly said they did not want to be friends with China, but Ah Q keeps begging India to be friends. How silly. Ah Q is expected to do nothing even when being kicked around. The Indians know this and confidently set out to rob Chinese companies in India with impunity. And Ah Q still wants to send more Chinese companies to set up factories in India, to be robbed in broad daylight.

印度是吃定中国, 非丽宾 也吃定中国,连赖清德也想吃定中国。为什么? 因为中国是亚Q. 

在中国最穷最弱的时后, 毛泽东也敢打美国。 为什么现在连小丑也怕?

When would China stop being Ah Q and be respected by the rest of the world, or at least be feared by the Mickey Mouse? American doggies are barking at China everyday and China just do nothing. In international relations, and with the American terrorists encouraging everyone to go against China, China's policy of behaving like a gentleman is bound to fail. It is stupidity. International relations is all about power and willingness to use power when necessary, not to run away from trouble.



  1. Think China tolerates behaving like Ah Q with countries that it is enjoying a good trade surplus.

  2. China is not Ah Q and never will be.

    It deprives comprehension when little Italy arrests a Chinese ship carrying drones for Libya and Mickey Marcos Philippines adding more coast guard vessels and fishing boats to encroach on Chinese territorial seas and islands. For sure Italy and the Philippines are not doing these provoking actions on their own. Behind all these insidious actions there is always the big brother, the monster and satanic United States pulling the strings like the puppet master. Almost all the hostile moves or actions of NATO, Japan, South Korea, Philippines and the Five Eyes Anglo Saxons against Russia, China, Iran, Arab Muslims and DPRK are plotted and directed by the Evil Empire.
    China is not Ah Q1. China is adopting Ah Q as a political ploy or strategy. China will let the US poodles do as they please to see how far the evil empire is going with its hostile provoking actions. There is always a calm before the storm. Remember in the Korean War 1950 to 1953 the United States continued march across the 38th Parallel and right into Chinese border with Korea in the Yalu River inspite of Chinese warnings not to do so. Well, the Evil Empire did not heed China’s warning thinking a weak fledgling China would not dare to take on the mighty United States.
    When China finally entered the Korean War to help defend North Korea’s DPRK, the evil empire and its over 50 so-called allies or rather poodles were in shock when China’s People’s Army Volunteers swept them away like a storm driving them to almost only a small encrave of the Pusan Perimeter before US massive reinforcements change the scenario.
    The United States and its allies did not win the Korean Wars despite being a superpower of the time and a supremely armed military with nuclear hardwares.
    So in the present scenario China is watching US diabolical movements with eagles eyes to see how far and how wicked the evil empire would go before exercising the strategy of ‘calm before the storm’,
    China is not Ah Q and never will be.
    Saturday, 6th July, 202


  3. The China - India Border War 1962

    China knew India plans since 1958 that Nehru and his Defense Ministry and Indian war generals were planning something regarding encroaching on Chinese Xichang ( Tibet ). India was at the time controlling a large part of Chinese territory in South East Tibet which was taken by the British from China in around 1913 to 1914 and eventually annexed to British India inspite of constant Chinese protest.

    When England gave India independence it did not settle the border issue between China and British India but retained the Chinese territory. India wanted to retain the stolen territory from China. Nehru and his generals and India Defense Ministry were tone deaf to China's pleading for talks to settle the border dispute a left over baggage from colonial England.

    But Nehru and India wanted to retain the Chinese lands stolen from China and refused to enter into any talks with China. In short India wanted to inherit and maintain the mantle of British colonialism and imperialism. The Indian generals and the Indian Defense Ministry wanted to take over all Xizhang or Tibet claiming that China was very weak after over a century of Western and Japanese aggressissions and invasions and after a debilitating Civl War and the Korean War 1950 to 1953 and so it was the best time for India to take over Chinese Xizhang. Moreover Indian Ministry officials claimed that India had at the moment of time inherited a lot of the most modern and latest weapons from UK, US and the West compared to the Chinese peasant army which was poorly armed with archiac rifles of the First World war.

    India was so sure of defeating the Chinese army in an open warfare. It started to nibble more of Chinese lands beyond the Actual Line Of Control. China had given India ample warnings to stop encroaching more on Chinese lands. But instead of giving heed to Chinese warnings India under US instigations and encouragement began a full scale attack on China's positions to march further into Xichang hoping to take full control of Chinese Tibet in one full swoop with all the mighty weapons supplied by the US and England.

    China was then forced to counter attack the Indians at all fronts with great fury and fierce firocity which drove the unanticipated Indian armies back behind the Line of Actual Control. However the Indians continued to attack the Chinese despite China's call for a ceasefire and to begin talks on settling the border question. This time the Chinese army fought with even greater valour and drove the Indian armies right up to the doorstep of Delhi the Indian capital. More than ten thousand Indian soldiers were either captured by the Chinese or they just laid down their arms and surrendered to the Chinese. It was a rout for the Indians. Only then did Nehru and his generals and defense ministry agree to hold talks with China.

    In her victory China could have taken back all her former lands taken by England and retain all the lands right up to New Delhi. But for the sake of peace and Asian solidarity and corporation in face of continuous Western aggression led by the United States, China was honourable to return to the Line of Actual Control.

    Thus in the relevance of China - India border war China did not appear to behave like an Ah Q but used it patiiently like one so as to carry out its strategy of 'calm before the storm' on the Indians.

    China always want peace. When China's army return back to the Line of Actual Control it acted with geat honour and respect for the Chinese people cherish peace. Though the Chinese people cherish peace and do not like war but the Chinese people are also not afraid of war. If war is imposed on China the Chinese people will fight with great patriotic fervour and will always fight to win.



  4. On another occasion China seemed to behave like Ah Q was in Hong Kong in 2019 when the West in which the United States and England were the main hoodlums and criminals in using CIA, NED, and saboteurs and evil propagandists hiding in their embassies and Hong Kong institutions created havoc in stirring up fake and toxic accusations on Hong Kong rule and governance against the Chinese Central governmment. The American and British crooks and saboteurs in CIA, NED and their embassies staffs worked in cahoot with local traitors and hoodlums to stir up boiling emotions amongst the Hong Kongers to engineer an umbrella revolution in Hong Kong witn insidious intent to spread it to mainland China eventually. For almost a whole year Beijing seemed to be powerless and allowed the ruffians, rioters and their evil Western supporters and organizers to run wild causing great destructions and a few deaths.

    All this time of great turmoil and riot the Central Chinese Government seemed to behave like Ah Q. People started to curse the Central Chinese Government and President Xi Jin Ping of being useless for being unable to take any action. But they were all wrong. China was just observing how far and how evil the Americans and British were prepared to go and who were the Western crooks and scoundrels and who were the local traitors and collaborators before taking any action. So after ten or eleven months of senseless riots China took action and with one full swoop China got all the culprits and evil perpetrators in the net. Not only the small fries were caught but many big crooks hiding in fake high and respectable institutions were also nabbed.

    Thus with the last and final action taken by the Chinese Central Government in Beijing, peace, tranquility and security has now returned to Hong Kong. So in the beginning it would appear China was behaving like Ah Q. As it is, it was a strategy to let the neurotic and sychopath Anglo-Saxons US and UK think they could successfully do all their evils in Hong Kong before China created a tremendous storm to nab all of them, the evil doers. Thus it is another example that China is not Ah Q and China under the Chinese Communist Party will never be an 'Ah Q'.

