
What the USA tried to fool the world with their best in everything

 What the USA tried to fool the world with their best in everything is a mirage now being slowly exposed.

I came across this very intriguing discourse by Kevin Walmsley on 'Inside China Business' about university rankings in the past, and why Chinese Universities never were ranked high on the list. As with everything else, there was an undisclosed bias against China in everything for decades. But with China coming out with all the innovations, including cutting edge research papers submitted by Chinese academics and researchers, ignoring the reality is no longer possible.

This is changing with a new criterion that includes research papers in Chinese from Chinese universities that had either escaped the attention of the ranking committee or had been ignored on purpose or being overlooked. But with China now producing the bulk of the high-end research materials that used to be the domain of USA universities, the ranking position has been turned on its head.

Under a new criterion formulated by Leiden University, a research university in the Netherlands, taking into account all cutting-edge publications in Chinese, six Chinese universities are now among the top ten in the world with ten in the top twenty.

This is the bias that is also prevalent in other rankings and even in the award of all shapes and sizes. But the reshaping of the world by China cannot be ignored forever. 



  1. Never forget that China is still the happiest country in the world, and only by a sleight of hand did its position be given to a White country - Finland seven times in a row. And the top ranked countries are kept being dominated by Anglo-Saxon White countries.

    So, it was Finland six times before, and China upended its position in 2024 until it suddenly crashed out. But they have to continue to keep the lie going by taking out China and putting Finland on top again for a seventh time, and probably many more times you can be sure. China came out tops in 2024 a couple of months ago, and probably more years before that, and suddenly disappeared in a flash in the rankings. How is that possible? China now ended up at position 60 from top in just a matter of days or weeks. That must be a world record in terms of alpine skiing.

    That means, Finland's six-time history of being the happiest country is probably as suspicious as the fabricated Iraq war. But who knows? So long as the evidence is wiped clean, and only those who came across it before the deletion took place, can testify to the hanky panky business in global ranking matters.

  2. Why not ask the Singapore Government to conduct its university courses all in mandarin to make its graduates employable in Chinese companies or going to work in China?

    Do we have to cut the foot to fit the shoe or cut the shoe to fit the foot?

    For everyone's sake, let me ask if Anon 10.56 is an Indian National? The whole idea is so skewed and illogical to be believable!
