
Ukraine War - When the Americans say stop the war, all the European colonies would obey

 Trump is telling voters that he can end the Ukraine War withing 24 hours. And they took all that as a joke. Actually, he is not joking, which I also thought was a joke, but after thinking about it, he could do it using the very fact that if the USA ends support for NATO, Zelensky will end up losing his pants. That is the reason Zelensky was petrified and criticized Trump for his message. The war will end there and then with Trump returning.

Why isn't that dumb Finnish President not talking about this Trump message instead? One phone call from Trump to the USA Defense Department chiefs and the Ukraine War will end. But of course, Congress still stands in the way. But Congress can only stall the President's action within a certain period of time, if I understand correctly.

Why is it in China's interest to stop the war when the USA and NATO are sabotaging peace efforts made by China in the past? Why is it not in USA or NATO's interest to end the war years earlier? They are not interested in ending the war. Even if the Ukraine War ends tomorrow, the EU is still going to suffer deprivation of cheap Russian energy. This is not going to return, not with China and India providing Russia the market it needs. The de-industrialization of Germany, France, Italy and others is a done deal, gone for good.

In fact, in 2014 the conflict could have been avoided with the Minsk Agreement. But Ukraine, on the behest of the USA and the West, choose to ignore the terms of the agreement and continued to attack Russian speaking Ukrainians in Eastern Ukraine. After Russia's intervention in 2022 in Eastern Ukraine, there was even a peace deal which Boris Johnson sabotaged under the dictates of the USA.

The USA and the West just keep pretending that the Ukraine War was started by Russia only in 2022 for no apparent reason. They are trying to spin it as if nothing before that ever happened and is not instrumental to the conflict. As Dr David Oualaalou on his site 'Geopolitical Trends' always say, nothing ever happens in a vacuum. 



  1. NATO is now trying to spin the narrative that it is a victim of Russian aggression, just like the Philippines accusing China. Did Russia send troops to any NATO country or have military bases in any NATO country? NATO had been encroaching towards the border of Russia after the breakup of the former Soviet Union, with former Soviet satellite states swallowed up by NATO's expansion one after another, despite agreement made with Mikhail Gorbachev that NATO would not expand Eastward by an inch. Ukraine, together with Belarus, acts as a strategic buffer zone for Russia, and yet NATO had been encouraging Ukraine to join NATO, which is never going to be allowed by Russia.

    Conversely, did China send troops to invade the Philippines or stationed troops in the Philippines? What China is doing is just reclaiming a couple of small atolls in the South China Sea. For decades this was never used as a reason for hostilities between China and the Philippines. Only when the USA starts playing its game of confronting China did it resort to using the South China Sea claims to further its objective of instigating conflict between China and the Philippines. The Philippines is making a mountain out of a molehill on the behest of the USA, whose agenda is using the Philippines as proxy and cannon fodder to antagonize China. We know who are behind those protest shown on Channel New America, and we also know that USA funded NGOs are very active in the Philippines. People in poor countries are the easiest to manipulate using such NGOs. They are devils in angel clothing fooling the unsuspecting.

    The pertinent question to ask is what is Marcos Jr doing? Is he more concern about his personal interest, which is getting his hands on the plundered wealth of his father, or looking after the interest of the Philippines? Is the USA using the ill-gotten wealth of his father to control his every move? The Philippine people must watch carefully and clearly his every action, which does not favor the ordinary Filipinos.

    Every aspect of the Philippine economy has now been decimated and development is not forthcoming. Elsewhere in ASEAN, countries are moving fast forward with high-speed rail projects and booming trade with China. China's recent decrease in import of Philippine bananas is now benefitting Vietnam and causing Philippines banana farmers much anxiety. This has not been mandated by the Chinese Government but is a voluntary patriotic act of Chinese people of not helping those that are against China. According to reports, bananas from Vietnam are just as good as those from the Philippines and probably cheaper in price due to the proximity of Vietnam via land transport.

    It probably is necessary for another 'people's power' to change the situation in the Philippines. That would be history repeating itself, like father like son.

  2. Frankly why China is claiming all these Atolls and Islets.

    Time immemorial all these are been controlled by China in their Dynasty Years as all these other countries paid tributes to their Emperor and no one even whispered a claim on them.

    The main Reason why China wanted to control these atolls and islets is because of the damn Americunts.

    They wanted to strengthen their First Line of Defence against the UAssA and their cronies and doggies.

    China's Military Strategist since their Waring Years are very smart in their planning of Defence and Offense.

    Why took the troubles to claim all these useless atolls and small islets where they built their First Line of Defence Bases?

    China had enough land for themselves.

    It's the Western Barbarians that are pushing China to claim their Nine Dash Line.

    Xi told Obama to demilistaise the SCSeas when Obama when they met.

    Obama purposely said "No" on the evil thoughts of his military doggies so that they could stired shits in every wherea they wanted just to be the World's Hemagon.

    So don't China for militarise the SCSeas.

  3. China claimed barren reefs and islets, uninhabited.

    AngloSaxons claimed USA, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Hawaii, Falkland and many islands all over the world...On what legal basis? On the basis or massacring the natives?
