
Tax payers money for foreigners?

Even alien economic scavengers benefit much more than our own singaporeans?
Labour policy practices,HDB policies,Covid budget allocations,etc,have benefitted “alien$” much more than many groups of sgs including singles and elderly nation builders.

This is Sgporean G,not UN!
The primary obligations are to the CITIZENS FIRST,NOT EVEN TO PRs especially long-time PRs who REJECT THE G’s multiple offers to convert to Sg Citizens.  Posted by rice in TRE.

Above is from a comment by a 'rice' posted in TRE.

The gripe of 'rice' is that Singaporean taxpayers' money are given to the PRs and non citizens, often more than to Singaporeans. I have not been monitoring these closely, but have a general idea that PRs and even foreigners were benefiting from govt handouts in some ways, especially during the Covid pandemic. This is very perplexing. Why should out govt thinks it is right and it is its duty to take our tax payers money and gave it to PRs and foreigners?

Why should foreigners and PRs that are non citizens, basically fair weather residents, be receiving our taxpayers money? There are many responsibilities and obligations that a citizen differs from a non citizen and a PR. The most painful sacrifice is National Service, and not forgetting being owners of this island. I agree with 'rice' that Singaporeans must be treated differently from foreigners and PRs especially when privileges of citizenship is concerned. It is ludicrous to think otherwise and to lump Singaporeans together with PRs as locals or residents, not just for convenience, political expediency and worse, to benefit monetarily.

How many of you think that it is right for the govt to give our taxpayers' money to foreigners and PRs freely?

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